Neh. 8:2-6, 8-10; Ps. 19:8-10, 15; 1 Cor. 12:12-30; Lk. 1:1-4; 4:14-21
“You are Christ’s body and individually parts of it” through the power of the Spirit. Which part have we been given so that “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing”? I have often felt and said that I am a “jack of all trades, master of none” and I suspect others have similar feelings. St Augustine reminds us “we are restless until we rest in him” from whom we gain our identity in his body.
We are called to “wear many hats” in our home, work and service to our community. We have to administer our home, teach our children, nurse our family when they are sick, and may even work miracles to see our children graduate or go to college and that is just what is needed at home. At work we are to be part of a bigger body with a mission of service and have to interpret the dynamics of human relationships to work together for a common purpose. Is this the identity in Christ’s body? Our identity is not what we do but who we are from the gift we receive.
God’s desires are not of asking but offering us a gift. It begins with the gift of himself to us at baptism. But he comes with many other gifts through the power of the Spirit and it is designed to be “honored” that all the “parts (in the body of Christ) share its joy.” It is that gift that brings blessing to others in the body of Christ. It creates our identity in Christ to be his body. Do we recognize the gift in which “you are Christ’s body”? It is not like a “hat” you put on and take off or a switch you turn on and off at will. It is a transformational gift.
The transformational gift we live in our being and cannot be hidden but reveals itself in who we were created to be in the image of God. It is a gift that reveals itself no matter what life choices we make because it represents our identity in Christ. Until we honor this gift, we remain restless in search of the “other” means of happiness while the gift is the maiden in waiting for our response. Once we begin to live the gift all the other parts of the body of Christ come together with meaning and purpose.
How do we discern this gift coming from God? “Your words Lord, are Spirit and life” says the responsorial psalm. In baptism the Ephphatha prayer is said with the sign of the cross over the ears of the child and the mouth so that the ears may be opened to receive the word and the mouth to proclaim it. The gift is revealed in the words of the Lord which we see Ezra reading from the “book of the law” and the reverence of the people answering “Amen, Amen!” The people are prostrated in fear of the Lord but Ezra declares that it is a holy day “for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength.” The Lord comes in his word for our understanding and in his Spirit for guidance that our mind may be opened to the knowledge of God and our hearts be ready to respond to the will of God for our lives. Ephphatha meaning “Be Opened” to the word and to the Spirit that we may discern rightly what God has prepared for us in becoming “you are Christ’s body”.
Just as the body has many parts it remains one body with each part in service to the whole body. The body is also made of millions of cells that generate for a time and pass away but the body remains until the day it passes until the day that it will rise again for all eternity but the soul does not pass something to be pondered. We were created in the image of God to remain for ever in his one body. Just as the angels are not all the same and have different gifts to serve the Lord, we have our gift that transcends time, is the joy of the Lord, and is our path to the kingdom of God. Are we ready to claim it?
The gift will place us in a position “God has designated in the church to be” of service as “apostles, prophets, teachers, work might deeds, bring healing, provide assistance, administer and receive a variety of tongues” to speak from the testimony of our language of faith, hope, and love of God. Jesus instituted the church that we may all be one in his body to share the good news and build up the kingdom. “Today (is our time) this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing” to be anointed in the Spirit of the Lord for you are Christ’s body.
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