
The Deacon

21st Sunday Ordinary Time – This is the day!

1 Jos. 24:1-2a, 17-18b; Ps. 34:2-3, 16-21; Eph. 5:21-32; Jn. 6:60-69

This is the day to decide “whom you will serve”.  Joshua called together all the tribes of Israel and their leaders in order to make the decision of their priority.  He was witness to how the people were being influenced by the “gods” where they were dwelling.  We could say they were becoming a “fallen away” nation and it was time to bring them to account for their actions.  The people remembered their past and recommitted to the Lord.  This is the day the Lord gives us in the same way to recommit to the practice of our faith.  It is enough to say “I believe” but when our actions say our priority is not the Lord then this is day to recommit to the Lord. 

In the same way, Jesus has been leading his disciples to recognize he is the bread of life to eat and drink but “this saying is hard; who can accept it?”  Many did not and left him but the twelve he chose remained convinced he was “the Holy One of God”.  This was the day to choose to follow the way of the Lord or return to their former way of life.  The same is true for our times when many are leaving the practice of the faith of their childhood or choose only to identify as Catholic without following the practice of faith the Church teaches.  It is a compromised faith that lives not by the word of God but by personal ideology.  Personal ideology is to be our own god. 

Many say “I believe in God but do not accept what the church teaches.”  The church is the bride of Christ who he has given us to follow as his teaching authority.  The church guards against false teachers who rise and fall in every generation.  If Jesus is the fullness of revelation, then everyone who claims to teach the word of God must accept the foundation of faith that goes back to Jesus and his disciples passed on from generation to generation.  To claim “God has revealed to me something new” is a false teacher and we have a long history of false teachers.  There is only one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church that Jesus established and this is the day to decide who do we follow. 

Simon Peter was wise when he answered Jesus, “Master, to who shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life.”  Peter was willing to put aside all of his own ideas, beliefs, thinking and be open to receive the revelation from Jesus even if it did not make human sense at the time.  Peter quickly came to the realization that Jesus was the Messiah sent from God who he either accepted completely or not at all.  With Jesus there is no compromise to the truth.  In a world that teaches to each their own truth they are deceived by the evil one.  Peter surrendered his mind, heart, and will to Jesus and he became the rock on which Jesus built his church.

Jesus uses the example of the marriage between a man and a woman to describe his love and commitment to the Church.  The Church becomes one with Christ in the Eucharist.  Jesus is the head of the Church and the Church is to remain obedient to Christ.  The bond between Christ and his Church is a covenant of love, sacrificial love for each other, a love that keep on giving.  

Jesus gives us the image of an ideal marriage where love of the other is love of self.  In marriage preparation, I remind couples that this is the person they have chosen to live and die for.  Most couples don’t have this image of love or marriage.  It is more probable that their love is a conditional love not subordinate to each other but challenging each other for control.  Who controls the bank account, the credit cards, the remote control, the family time, the leisure time?  Letting go is hard to do.  We are called to let go and let God be the Master of our life but we can’t even let our marriage partner have authority.  This is the day God gives us to decide while there is still time.  There will be no time for regrets in heaven or hell. 

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