
The Deacon

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King

2 Sm. 5:1-3; Ps. 122:1-5; Col. 1:12-20; Lk. 23:35-43

Christ the King, “the chosen one”.  Christ the King is not only “the chosen one, the Christ of God” but God in the flesh as the second person of the Trinity.  This makes him above all not only “This is the King of the Jews” but the king of all in the heavens and earth, our king.  In Christ the King “all the fullness was pleased to dwell”, the fullness of God himself, the fullness of love, mercy, and sacrifice for our sins that as unworthy sinners we may all be reconciled to him “by the blood of his cross”.   

This is the day of rejoicing for the sinner is redeemed, the unfit made fit, the broken made whole, and the poor in spirit made rich in grace.  This is our rejoicing that from the darkness of this world we now share in “the inheritance of the holy ones in light”.  What are we doing with our inheritance to spread this light into our world?  Christ on the cross is the victory over death with the mandate to “go forth” and multiply our inheritance as witnesses of the light. 

When our children look up to us do they see the light of love coming to them or the grumpiness of our struggles for the day?  Is it about us this day or about rejoicing in thanksgiving for the light of God’s love is with, in and through us?   This is our celebration today that we live in this light and are blessed to receive our Lord and King, Jesus Christ.  The Lord’s kingship then makes us his servants to follow in the truth the king has revealed of himself and his kingdom.  The kingship is not a democracy but an authority out of love for God’s creation.  In his kingship there is not “my truth” as my own “god” but the truth for eternal salvation. 

Christ the King established his authority in the Word, in the Spirit and in the flesh.  The Word was given to the disciples to go and teach the Word with the authority of the King.  Jesus says to his disciples “I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Mt. 16:19) This is his church speaking for the King we call today the magisterium, the chosen ones to follow in his kingship with authority, trusted with the keys to multiply the kingdom of God. 

Christ the King also promised us the advocate, coming in the Spirit with authority to pour out his graces upon the elect with power to change the world.  In baptism we receive the Holy Spirit to be holy bringing the light into the darkness.  The Spirit comes with fire to fire us up with the Lord’s passion to move mountains.  It does not leave us idle, doubtful, and insecure living in fear of evil, death, or harm.  The Spirit is active, powerful, and committed to something greater than ourselves, something inspired by heaven itself.  When we find it, we will know it is for us to serve our calling, our source of love, our road to salvation. 

Christ the King comes in the flesh even this day body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist as a continued sacrifice of himself for us.  His coming in the flesh is to transform us incarnated in our flesh as one body, Christ in us and we in him.  If he is in us there is no doubt but joy and the fullness of his love for us.  We come as we are into his embrace with our own fiat to be done with us according to his will and we will be purified, healed, and made whole for all eternity.  No sickness of the flesh or death can destroy the body waiting to rise in us.  It is the promise of the resurrection made visible in Jesus himself.  Now is the time for us to rise again to new life even was we live in this flesh. 

Christ the King comes to rule with fire that all may be purified by the fire of his love.  Fire cleanses the impurities of our soul giving off the light and reflection of God’s image upon us.  This image is to go forth and set our world on fire.  Christianity came into the world not to be assimilated into the world but to transform the world.  The world allows Christianity to coexist in the world as long as it remains within the confines of its walls and out of the public square.  Once it becomes a voice for conversion of the world it is scourged into silence and threatened into compliance.  What are we to do?  Do we remain silent, lukewarm, and remain culturally acceptable or do we fear not and go forth? 

The Lord cautions the lukewarm “so because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (Rev:3:16) The chosen one calls the elect to fear not and go forth to claim the kingdom waiting to rise up in victory.  The fearful remain silent assimilated into the mainstream of cultural tradition waiting for the end to come.  The choice is now for us to make while there is still time.  Christ the King is waiting for us to respond with our fiat, he will take us the rest of the way for he is faithful and will never depart from us. 

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