Prov. 8:22-31; Ps. 8:4-9; Rom. 5:1-5; Jn. 16:12-15
One in God and three in one we celebrate this Most Holy Trinity. The mystery of faith is this unity to be one in God united to the Most Holy Trinity. Called to be children of God can we say, “The Lord possessed me”? From the beginning who is this “I” poured forth “before the earth”? “The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit” and through the blood of the Lamb in Jesus Christ. God is love thus God has poured out himself throughout the earth giving of himself to us. The Son of God “was his delight day by day, playing before him…When the Lord established the heavens” he was there. Father, Son and Holy Spirit is there and there is now here with us and for us to be one in God.
The “Spirt of truth” brings us the voice of God in the Son to guide us and strengthen us that we may even “boast of our afflictions in hope of the glory of God”. The Lord finds “delight in the human race”. We are his delight as a son is to his father who in his fatherly wisdom is guiding us through our afflictions to grow in sanctity that we may be perfect in faith, hope and love. The struggle of humanity is recognizing when we fall from our sinfulness we may rise again by the mercy of a Father’s love. When the world drives us to follow our own way limited by what little we know the Father sent us his Son to follow his way by the revelation of truth and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God is truth in its undefiled and unblemished totality coming to us in the Spirit.
We pray “I believe in one God” Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and in “one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”. The Church is the bride of Christ who has received the revelation through the Spirit of truth in its holy servants who by tradition and word have given us “the Word of God”. Before the word was written down as scripture, before Word was made flesh in the Son of God, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God one in being and was poured forth “beside him as his craftsman”.
One in God the Lord takes delight in us partakers of his creation. Belonging to creative matter still “little less than the angels” we are to have “rule over the works of your hands” as trusted caretakers of creation. The Spirit of truth comes that we may begin by taking care of our bodies to be kept holy as the temple of the Lord. The Spirit of truth comes that we may care for the environment of whose elements our bodies are formed and sustained. The Spirit of truth comes into our souls that we may be prepared to receive the gifts of the Spirit to be transformed even further into the image of God.
Let us lift our voices up and proclaim “the Lord possessed me”, I am his and he is mine. The Lord’s possession is one of love not as slaves. We belong to a kingdom of love where treasures are there for us to possess as gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are the power to bring down other kingdoms of evil, to overcome spirits of darkness, to lift up others from their fallen state of death. Possessed by the Lord we have the Spirit of truth, the power of love, and the victory over death. Here lies the human dilemma none of this is possible by any act of our will but by our surrender to God that we may be possessed by him. As we surrender to God we no longer live for ourselves but for his will to be done in us, we no longer seek our way but his way by having a true relationship of love with God, and we no longer belong to the kingdom of this world but to the kingdom of heaven one with God we remain in his presence.
Most Holy Trinity come to us and remain with us as we rise up to the reality of the eternal kingdom among us for the glory of heaven, here I am.
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