Is. 50: 5-9a; Ps. 116:1-6, 8-9; Jas. 2:14-18; Mk. 8:27-35
Jesus is the Chosen one, the Christ, the anointed. Jesus poses the question to his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” People were claiming he was John the Baptist, Eljah or one of the prophets but Peter answers correctly, “You are the Christ”. To be the Christ is to claim to be the Chosen one sent from God who the Israelites were waiting for to save them.
Today some people believe Jesus was a prophet, a teacher, or even a mythological figure who did not do all the things that are said of him. Who is Jesus for us this day? Is Jesus the Chosen one in our lives who we encounter in a personal relationship or do we treat him as a distant Lord who we will come to face some day but not today?
The meaning of the word “Christ” is “to anoint” thus Christ is the anointed one from God who in Hebrew is translated as “Mesiah” or one who is anointed. Christ then is the “God-man” who is named Jesus by God in his humanity and called Christ in his divinity. Jesus the anointed one is who God proclaims “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Mk 1:11) Jesus is the chosen one anointed to anoint our humanity into Christendom, that is into the kingdom of God.
If God is for us who can be against. The only real enemy to defeat come from within to allow God’s will to be done in us. It is often said that we can be our worst enemy. God is for us but we must be for God to receive the blessing and graces he desires for us. That is the condition that comes from having free will. Those who call out God saying “where is God” when bad things happen have not entered into a covenant with him living in relationship in order to see the hand of God in all and through all. Jesus was crucified and where was the Father if not with the Son and the Spirit, always present in the suffering. Jesus’ suffering was for a greater good something to contemplate in our own suffering.
God’s will for us is to walk in faith, that is to do the works of faith not just to believe. Many claim to believe but choose to walk their own way with a false assumption faith is enough. Today we hear St. James say that faith is not enough, going so far as to say “faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead”. This cuts right to the heart of those who claim “saved by faith alone” is enough.
Yes, we are justified by faith but it is only the first act we take before we are called for more. Our works don’t earn us our salvation they validate our faith. They are the true sign of our faith. Without works our claim to faith may be only a false illusion, a house built on sand that washes away when the test of faith comes as a strong tide under its foundation.
Jesus is the Chosen one, anointed for the work of salvation and he explains to the disciples that this work entails suffering and death but also his resurrection. Peter’s “rebuke” of Jesus is his way of saying don’t go there “faith alone” is enough. Jesus’ response “Get behind me Satan” is a reminder that the evil one tries to deceive us to not take up our cross but believe it is enough to have faith and live our own life apart from the call to do the works of God. Without the cross there is no resurrection. This is the way of salvation for which Jesus was anointed for. This is the narrow way he teaches us to follow if we wish to rise with him in glory.
We cannot be deceived by the evil one to believe salvation is an easy road to follow. Jesus tells the crowd in order to follow him they must deny themselves and take up the cross. To deny ourselves is to forgive, to fast, to abstain, and also to make acts of atonement not only for our sins but for those of the world. To take up the cross is proclaiming the word by our actions, our charity, our service, our prayer. This Mass is our highest form of prayer in which we can offer ourselves up to Christ.
The Chosen one has given us himself that we may imitate him in doing the works of salvation. The works of salvation begin with the work of ourselves inviting Jesus to work on us that we may know how to truly follow him. The works of salvation extend out to others as he leads us in calling others by our spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Let us do the work and we shall be among the chosen ones.
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