
17th Sunday Ordinary Time

1 Kgs. 3:5, 7-12; Ps. 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Rom. 8:28-30; Mt. 13:44-52

The kingdom of heaven is not an entitlement we collect by simply claiming “I believe in God”.  The kingdom of God is something we must seek and sacrifice for to be given the understanding of Solomon.  We are to first be conformed to the image of his Son to enter the kingdom of God.  In an age where we value acceptance of “our identity” as we claim it, we lose sight of identifying with the image of God’s son who is “other” than ourselves.  We are “right” in seeking God’s image as our being and “wrong” in claiming our own as an entitlement. 

Wisdom is from God to give an “understanding heart…to distinguish right from wrong” and respond with prudence in doing his will.  In the gospel today, Jesus continues with his parables to the wise and prudent describing the significance of the kingdom of God to humanity as the eternal love and longing of our purpose of life.  The wisdom of Solomon was judging rightly with what to ask for in service to God’s kingdom.  Solomon’s love for God was in being the best he was created to be as the leader of his people.  Our love for God then is in being our best in responding to our calling in life in service to others. 

This is challenging and difficult if not impossible without the grace from God that comes by searching with the heart of understanding God’s will for our personal calling in life.  In the worst of situations and in the best of situations “all things work for good for those who love God.”  God is mercy when we seek our identity in him. 

For some time, it was popular with the youth to carry bracelets with the letters WWJD meaning “what would Jesus do”.  This is seeking out our identity in him, inviting him into our “space” and time which if we claim to belong to Jesus is his rightful space and seeking understanding through the Spirit to respond in his image in this moment of our being. 

Now is the time to recapture that moment of truth “what Jesus will do through his servant of love”.  Such great challenges have been conquered by the saints and souls who surrender to God actively seeking to do his will.  Have we asked him today “what is your will for me this day Lord?” 

Sometimes we compartmentalize life into steps, such as step one is to “pray” and step two is “go forth”, and step three is “action” as a cognitive process like learning to type where all the keys are and consciously thinking of all the keys.  Learning to type is a cognitive process but typing is the unconscious process of being able to “just do it”.  In the same way Christianity is taking all our prayers, devotions, and understanding to “just do it” in charity being the image of God through the Spirit that is with us.  Let us give God the freedom to “just do it” in our being through an act of the will and the mystery of his kingdom will reign in us. 

The evil one is “prowling about the world seeking the ruins of souls” when we see hatred, violence, and destruction justified a “right” and authority, order, and peace shamed as “wrong” in an effort to create a new “kingdom” not of God but of this world.  It is a spiritual battle for the souls of the people fought not only on the streets but in every church and home.  One day I was struggling with making a difficult decision as a child and I asked my mother for guidance in her “understanding”.  I was totally surprised when she responded “you will have to decide”.  In her wisdom the right answer needed to come from me through the Spirit given at baptism.  She understood I would be the one who would live with the consequences of the decision. 

This nation is facing a difficult decision and we each must decide where our Christian values are best represented and supported not simply in our inner being but in our outward expression in the public square.  As Catholics we value the outward expression of our faith in statues, crosses, the arts, and even the sciences together with our right to assembly and worship.  This cannot be governed, shamed, or silenced by an oppressive voice in the public domain.  Today “you will have to decide” to who you surrender power to, either God and the kingdom of heaven or the evil one and the kingdom of hell. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us.

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Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1 Kgs 3: 5, 7-12; Rom. 8: 28-30; Mt. 13: 44-52

How many lives do you impact?  We seldom stop to recognize the impact we are making in the world.  The lives that we encounter daily at home raising a family, at work serving a purpose, in our gatherings of celebration expressing our joy, in funerals expressing our compassion, and in the streets with the stranger, the store clerk, server, child, or elderly.  We impact many lives and make a difference in this world. 

Solomon was a youth who understood the impact his life would have on thousands of lives and he wanted to serve with an understanding heart to judge, distinguish right from wrong.  We too participate in the kingdom of God making an impact on many lives in the seen and unseen.  Until heaven will it be revealed to us completely.  We journey in the ordinary of life faithful to our state.  The ordinary does not imply insignificance.  To the contrary, if God is with us everything is significant.  We are here to make a difference in the history of salvation.   We must remain open to the work of the Spirit. 

One of the sad statistics of today is the rising suicide rates among the general population but especially among youth where it has doubled and even tripled in some areas in the last ten years.  One testimony of a father whose son named Will a talented boy, good grades, played sports, wrote lyrics for a band, successful in every aspect of his life, dead at 15 from suicide. Like Solomon this boy felt all the pressure to be perfect.  He took serious his responsibilities.  He also knew that if he made a mistake everyone would know about it by lunch time with all the social media at the fingertips of everyone’s phone.  Solomon desired to judge rightly.  Will feared being judged wrongly.  Will’s dad was thinking “everything is great!”  Today his message to youth is “Wow, this is really hard.”  The challenges of this world require faith, hope, and love, they require God in our lives.

There is a desert experience we must all pass through.  There is also a promised land.  The Old Testament daily readings this week have been from Exodus.  Moses leading the people through the desert and each hardship is a test of faith.  Our focus is on the Promised Land.  The Kingdom, the Promised land starts here in the present, in the ordinary, in Mass, in his body and blood, and in our struggles blessed to carry the cross. 

Even when there is a shared struggle in life like the loss of a loved one each experiences their own unique grief.  “Wow, this is really hard.  No kidding!”  Are we prepared to face the desert experience when it comes?  Solomon’s prayer to God is a servant’s prayer.  He understood who he was serving in all he would be called to do.  His prayer was for what he needed to be a good servant, not to grow rich or rule with power.  His desire was to build a kingdom for God, a treasure buried in a field unseen to others but discovered in his heart; a kingdom of fine pearls of wisdom, and a net that catches souls of every kind. 

“We know all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”  Do we walk in the steps we are predestined responding to the call, justified by conforming to the image of Jesus, glorified by the love of God?  How do we know?  When we walk in his steps says St. Paul in Galatians we gain the fruits of the Spirit.  We have and share our “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  (Gal. 5:22-23).  That is nine gifts which we can recall as, in the power of the Spirit he strengthens our faithfulness, gentleness and self-control to become the image of the Son in patience, kindness, and generosity and arrive at the Father’s love with joy and peace in our hearts.   

Fidelity to the word made flesh nurtures us into the gentleness of a child of faith to be obedient in self-control. Patience is also self-restraint with kindness giving of ourselves in generosity.  The heart of understanding comes to know the will of the Father and celebrates the truth of knowledge with joy and peace resting in the Father’s heart. 

All this lead us to an extraordinary life in the ordinary of life.  Here we are called to be the best we can be in his image.  Who shared in our humanity a fidelity to the ordinary and was called to the extraordinary?  It was our Blessed Mother Mary.  Until the angel appears Mary was faithful to her ordinary daily life. It is from this faithfulness that God sees the fruit of the Spirit and called her and many other Saints to an extraordinary life of greater sanctity. 

Today we have the “new and the old”, the completion of the Word in the Old Testament and the New Testament, in the law of obedience and in the law of the Spirit of fidelity, our love in action.  Each life leaves it legacy for generations to come.  It is the legacy of love that endures. 

Come to the Promise Land.  The invitation requires no RSVP, No Regrets, only Mary’s fiat, “let it be done according to your will” Lord. 


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