
3rd Sunday Ordinary Time – “Light has arisen!”

Is. 8:23-9:3; Ps. 27:1, 4, 13-14; 1 Cor. 1:10-13,17; Mt.4:12-23

“Light has arisen!”  This is the light that consumes ordinary humanity and transforms it into something greater than ourselves.  Light has arisen and this light is Jesus Christ.  Jesus comes into the darkness of the world “curing every disease and illness”, the disease of sin, death, and the illness of body, mind and spirit.  The light has arisen but only upon those who respond to the call “Come after me”.  Apart from Jesus life is driven by emotions, reason, and our will not God’s will.  God’s will that we receive the infused virtues of light to know truth, righteousness, and peace.  The darkness of humanity is a vessel without the sail of faith in the one true God.  Peter, Andrew, James and John saw in Jesus the risen light and believed.   

Jesus saw in Peter, Andrew, James, John and the other apostles his church, his priestly descendancy with authority, his infallible teaching to be handed over to them to be taught before the whole world with the risen light of his gospel word made flesh as he institutes his church at the last supper, Holy Thursday.  Thus, today is more of the apologetics of the Catholic church in the world called to be one, holy, universal, and apostolic church for the meaning of Catholic is “universal”.  This is not to create separation from us and other believers who do not follow us but to remind us of the call to unity in the one body of Christ.  Recall the “Jesus’ prayer” for unity, John 17:21 “I pray…so that they may all be one, as you Father, are in me and I in you…that the world may believe that you sent me.” 

Jesus comes proclaiming “the Gospel of the kingdom”.  It is one “Gospel” that holds the totality of his word and it begins with the word made flesh.  Jesus is the “Gospel”, the good news and “Gospel” is the revelation of absolute truth.  Jesus reveals to us the absolute truth of God the Father in his Son through the Spirit.   The Spirit is within the Son and the Father and all give witness to being one.  Without fulfilling the Jesus’ prayer for unity the world has not come to believe and a divided house cannot stand.  What is the world to believe if even among believers there is such great disunity?  It can only conclude what Pontius Pilates asked Jesus, “What is truth?”. 

The call for unity is the preaching of St. Paul this day “that there be no divisions among you” Christians “but that you be united in the same mind and in the same purpose.”  Even in the early church history there are signs of division creating factions of different mindsets.  History is the great “fact checker” that is given to us to discern the one true church.  History has no partiality but records in itself and reveals to us Jesus’ kingdom coming through the call of his disciples.  History tells us the will of Jesus was to ensure unity in his church by proclaiming Peter as the “rock” of authority, by recognizing in the early church priests, bishops, deacons, and respect for the chair of Peter in Rome. 

Protestantism by its very name is a protest and rebellion against the chair of Peter and his appointed apostles.  Protestantism follows the belief in “Sola scriptura” by scripture alone do we discover the truth and the Bible is the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.  Thus, each person should be able to pick up a bible and receive the risen light of truth and understanding without error.  Vanity of vanities to presume each person’s interpretation of the bible by reason is absolute truth and if not absolute truth at least to hold it as “my truth” from the light of reason.  This is the false truth of moral relativism leading those who follow to be their own God. 

Moral relativism proclaims that there is no one truth.  It allows each to live their truth based on their own reason without God?  Thus, where two or three come together with their agreed upon conclusion they now proclaim it to be gospel truth and they establish their own church.   However, if two or three disagree they can each go their own way with their own theology and doctrine, divided not united.  This is what St. Paul is warning his people about and what we see in our world today.  This is how the world operates with the view of “to each his own” and we can easily fall into the same false belief unless we believe that Jesus established his church and gave it authority, the keys to the kingdom to “bind and to loosen” in earth and in heaven.  (Mt. 16:19, Mt. 18:19)

I have my truth from scripture and you have yours.  If there are multiple truths from God then why the incarnation of Jesus and his sacrifice if in the end who are we really following?  “Is Christ divided?” asks St. Paul, then why are we divided?  History proves by evidence of all the denominations that the same gospel can arrive in many minds at many different doctrines unless there is one authority coming to us from the beginning of Jesus’ proclamation of the gospel.  A divided church St. Paul warns results in the cross of Christ being “emptied of its meaning[JG1] ”. 

In Jesus the light is risen from the darkness but like a virus each time it is divided and mutates into another version of itself it becomes weaker and darker and dies.  Denominations rise and denominations fall but the fullness of truth of the gospel remains in the hands of the Catholic church and history proves who came first and remains with us to this day. 

In Jesus the light is risen to be a new covenant with his people.  But wait, does not the Lord speak of this new covenant stating, “I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts, I will be their God, and they shall be my people”.  Is it not the same law that comes to each of us as believers then why the division?  Why appoint twelve apostles designated to go out and teach what they have received?  Humanity needs the visible guiding light to understand the call to the divine life.  Just as a child needs his parents to become a mature adult the faithful need their earthly shepherd to enter into the Father’s house. 

Once baptized the spirit of the law is received in the gift of the Holy Spirit, planted in our hearts but it cannot mature without the body of the law to guide it in this pilgrimage.  This body is the Church, these apostles are the new priestly order, and through this order Christ reveals himself in the sacramental life of the church. 

To follow Jesus through the church is a great gift for humanity because the church bears the cross of shepherding the faithful in the truth.  “The Lord is my light and my salvation” received in the sacraments of the church to be the risen light to the world.  Jesus also left us the law of the gift.  The law of the gift says that it is in giving of ourselves that we find our true self.  Jesus gave himself up on the cross for us and in dying he rose to the visible fullness of himself and appeared to many.  The law of the gift is our calling, so let us remember it’s not about self but about self-giving that sets us free to become our true self, a child of God, a visible image of the light now risen in us. 


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3rd Sunday of Easter a resurrection of faith

Acts 2:14, 22-23; Ps. 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; 1Peter 1:17-21; Lk. 24:13-35

A house divided cannot stand so in times of crisis, pandemic or otherwise the first crisis is of faith to stand the test of faith amid the fears.  This Sunday’s readings reveal the disciples’ crisis of faith at the death of Jesus and the continuation of Jesus’ formation of church in his real presence, “the breaking of bread”. 

Three areas of “church” division among Christianity are addressed in our reading summarized as “sola scriptura”, church “authority”, and salvation by “faith alone”.  Jesus opens the scriptures to us but it is in the breaking of the bread that he is made known to us something to consider.  On the road to Emmaus the eyes of the two disciples were prevented from recognizing him.  They first had to hear the word and have it “burn” in their hearts to believe in the risen one before their eyes are opened to recognize him the breaking of the bread. 

“Sola Scriptura” meaning the “Bible alone” is a main source of division in the Christian “home”.  Today many Christian denominations follow “Sola Scriptura” as the only infallible source of authority for Christians.  The “breaking of the bread” is seen as the revelation of the word of God to open the eyes of the disciples instead of his real presence.  Jesus revelation to the disciples on the road to Emmaus came first as a revelation of scripture and then as he breaks the bread to his real presence before them to remain with them body, blood, soul and divinity in the bread.  Today in the Catholic church we celebrate both in the Mass with its two parts called the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  This journey of faith on the Road to Emmaus is our journey of faith “on the first day of the week”, resurrection Sunday.  It is the confirmation of the “Last Supper” to be continued in Tradition.  The Eucharist is the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ’s revelation to this very day. 

Church “authority” closely follows in a “house divided among itself” for Christianity.  “Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice, and proclaimed: ‘You…indeed all of you…Let this be known to you, and listen to my words.’ Peter is given the keys to the kingdom by Jesus after Peter denied him during the Passion.  The primacy of Peter is the “authority” to follow in Jesus’ self-sacrifice as a “Holy Father”.  The word without the authority of the church to bring unity is a house divided among itself.  Left to our own authority we divide into our “denominations” as we identify with and we open the scriptures to our “truth”.  The disciples on the road to Emmaus knew the scriptures as faithful Jews but it is the person of Jesus who “interpreted to them what referred to him in all the Scriptures”.  This gift of interpretation is passed on to his disciples to build the Kingdom of God in one holy, catholic, and apostolic church.  Today it is the “Chair of Peter” passed on to each Pope to carry forth into generations to come. 

Salvation by “faith alone” is the third major pillar of division among the Christian “house” filled with rooms called denominations.  Peter proclaims, “If you invoke as Father him who judges impartially according to each one’s works…as of a spotless unblemished lamb”.  Powerful authority to declare not by “faith alone” does the Father judge impartially but “according to each one’s works”.  Faith is the seed of salvation and works the fruit of salvation.  The seed without works dies but the works produced by the seed are the works of God through us, not our own.  The principle argument made against “works” is the conception that they are “our works” to merit heaven as if there is a scale that tips the works in our favor earning our justification.  Far from it for to be Christian is to surrender ourselves to the works of God as instruments of his grace working in us for the salvation of souls.  It is God’s grace, his gift of love, mercy, faith, and hope to be witnesses and bring forth the good news.  These are the works of God that bring salvation who the Father judges how we fulfilled them. 

Finally, the goal of the Christian is to come before the Lord as a “spotless unblemished lamb” that is without sin.  Who then will be saved?  This past week we recall the Lord’s promise of mercy to the whole world in Divine Mercy Sunday.  In confession and the breaking of the bread we receive atonement for our sins when we come to Jesus.  This is our redemptive gift but we must respond or carry our sin with us into the fire of purification, our purgatory in this life or in the next.  Let our eyes be opened to his revelation from the foundation of the Church.  The pandemic of death is not a virus but a house divided among itself in a crisis of faith.  I believe in one God and in One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 

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