2 Jn. 4-9; Ps. 2119: 1, 2, 10, 11, 17,18; Lk 17: 26-37
Today’s readings are a prelude to this weekend’s readings and set the stage for the message of eschatology meaning “end times”. It is a reminder of our need for “readiness” at any given moment to face our creator. It also provides a warning of the antichrist, the “deceivers” using a label that has become very popular in our times. It is called “progressive”. Many identify as progressive in their ideology seeking a new identity in the cultural war, a new world order, embracing “change”. If there is a constant it is change so it seems acceptable to promote change towards the good of others. The dilemma is who defines appropriate change and determines what is the good of others? Is it progressives with an agenda, the State, a world order, one race, one gender, one political party? Let us not be deceived by the voices who claim to walk in the truth but deny Jesus Christ and his teachings.
“Anyone who is so ‘progressive’ as not to remain in the teachings of the Christ does not have God.” The foundation of the good for others is the teachings of Jesus Christ not in an evolution guided by “progressivism”. These teachings don’t change, they are a constant and they are labeled “commandments” not the right to choose. Progressive ideology is based on the right to choose, this is seen as freedom. God gave us a free will to choose him for “Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord!” The truth is not complicated following the truth is the challenge of obedience, not my will but God’s will. We can easily lose sight of God’s will during this holiday season focused on “eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building” all good until we sacrifice our time with God, our time serving others, our time in fellowship as faithful companions on the journey towards the “end times”.
If two share a bed and one is taken and if two women are working side by side and one is taken what does it tell us? It says two things about the “end times”. One is clear that the event is cosmic the whole world at all “four corners” will live it. The second thing is individual, God knows his own who have remained faithful and followed the law, its commandments and those who are deceivers and their followers.
“Many deceivers have gone out into the world” some deny Jesus Christ but most deceivers are not so direct as an atheist would be. Most deceivers don’t simply want to be accepted for who they claim to be; they seek to change who God created us to be. Recently I joined a gym to improve my health. As I got on a treadmill the screen television showed a news clip of a transvestite man dressed as a woman in a library coming to read to children from a book on transvestites. These children were being deceived to believe they don’t have to accept their gender identity, they can question themselves and discover their choice of identity. Beware of those who come in broad daylight with false teachings to steal the souls of those little ones in the name of “progressive”. There is a “horror and disgrace” coming and is upon us. Growing up I learned “dichos” those Spanish sayings of wisdom and one was “La mentira dura mientras que la verdad llega”, translation “Lies endure until truth arrives”. Truth lies in Jesus Christ and he has arrived.
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