
Second Sunday of Advent – Prepare the way!

Is. 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps. 85:9-14; 2 PT. 3:8-14; Mk. 1:1-8

Prepare the way of the Lord!  The Lord’s way is not our way so the Lord is calling us to more than just changing the way we live, he is seeking a transformation of mind, heart and soul, and a mastery of our flesh.  Prepare the way of the Lord in our very being beginning with an act of repentance.  The was the message of John the Baptist that the Lord’s way begins with repentance for our sins that is why he came before Jesus preparing the way for his coming.  Do we desire the Lord’s coming?  We hasten his coming by “conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion”. 

Isaih calls us to “Make straight in the wasteland a highway for our God.”  The wasteland is all the sin and corruption of souls by a culture of death.  The “highway for our God” is the sacramental life he left us in his church.  The young Carlo Acutis who died at the age of 15 and was beatified in 2020 called the eucharist his “highway to heaven”.  He used his computer programming skills to promote devotion to the eucharist documenting Eucharistic miracles.  He took who he was, his skills, his youthfulness, his interests and he used them to proclaim there is a God and he is in the Eucharist.  He is a modern day John the Baptist proclaiming in the wasteland of our times to prepare the way of the Lord. 

Preparing the way of the Lord begins from within and matures into a calling in the way we honor, serve and give glory to God.  From within we come to believe there is a God, we are his creation, and he is calling us to himself.  What is our response, “here I am Lord” or “not yet Lord”?  Once we know there is a God, we play with fire if we choose to ignore his call for our salvation.  Thinking back to the parables Jesus gave to the apostles and the people, they served as a warning as well as a call to something greater to come.   The Lord comes with power to reward his people and to separate the sheep from the goats. 

The power of the Lord is for this day, he “does not delay his promise”.  One day or a thousand, it is all a breath from the Lord.  The Lord is coming and the Lord has come.  The first coming we prepare to celebrate as our Christmas time, Jesus in the flesh, in a manger, walking the earth and preparing souls to receive the Holy Spirit.  The second coming we are reminded of when the “heavens will be dissolved in flames and the elements melted by fire”.  Do we imagine a literal fire or the fire of the power of God, the fire of his light, and the fire his purging of souls?  It is the fire of his promise that also brings about “a new heaven and a new earth”. 

When we say “water and oil don’t mix” we recognize that certain circumstances cannot exist together.  Heaven and hell have a great chasm in separation of each other.   Sin and sanctity, one carries the passion of the flesh and the other the passion of the spirit.  The same is true of us if we remain in sin then we cannot receive the Lord’s justice and peace, kindness and truth, and all the benefits the Lord is prepared for those who do love and serve him.   What our true heart’s desire is this day will determine what happens next in the presence of the Lord. 

Behavioral science will affirm we are creatures of habit.  When we develop good habits, it leads to right action in our next circumstance just as bad habits can project negative consequences from future actions.  We prepare the way of the Lord through our discipline of faith.  Prayer is not an occasional act that happens only in Mass or in times of desperation.  Prayer is a discipline of being in contact with God as we offer up ourselves throughout the day.  It is not how long a prayer is but how meaningful our thoughts and words are with exclamations such as “Jesus I trust in you” and “Let thy will be done”.  It is the discipline of the day that prepares the way of the Lord for his coming in all we do and offer to him.  Life is not an accident by chance, it is about how we have prepared today for our tomorrow to come.  Tomorrow does not delay, let us be prepared. 

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2nd Sunday of Advent – Prepare the way of the Lord

Is. 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps. 85: 9-14; 2 Peter. 3:8-14; Mk. 1:1-8

Prepare the way of the Lord!  Has the Lord come to us this day?   Have we prepared to receive him?  The Lord sends out his messenger, first it was John the Baptist then came the Lord and now it is our turn to “make straight in the wasteland” of a sinful world “a highway for our God!”  “Let it begin with me” is the appropriate prayer in creating a human highway of souls ascending to the Lord by making straight our own lives as a channel of grace. 

Prepare the way of the Lord as a channel of grace by caring for his people.  The Lord comes in the “other” to be received by how we treat our neighbor.  Grace comes from the Hebrew “to show favor” as the Lord will show favor in us to care for his people.  His grace is the gifts we receive to minister to others of the love of God with spiritual and corporal works of mercy.  As we prepare the way of the Lord in service to others by virtue of our fiat we are being prepared for our own highway to God. 

In scripture we see how angels appeared to his people to prepare their way and give knowledge in the path to follow.  He did this to Mary, to Joseph, and to the disciples.  He can do this for us for he promised even greater things to those willing to serve as instruments in salvation history.  Be the difference.  Invite the Lord to send you his messenger but don’t look to the sky, look to the other who is being a channel of grace for you.  The Lord works through us to bring about his kingdom and manifest his love.  “If today you hear his voice harden not your hearts” (Psalm 95) make a difference. 

In the 1980’s my wife and I were heading the youth ministry at our parish.  We had planned a summer trip for them at Garner State Park.  On our way back home, we stopped in San Antonio at the Alamo.  I told my wife I only had $10 left for gas.  These days we carried no credit cards.  My son needed to go to the bathroom so we went looking for a place and found one.  Inside the stall he said to me “Dad, I found a penny on the floor”.  I looked down to the floor instinctively and saw a wallet.  I opened the wallet and it had no identification, it was empty except for one folded bill.  I pulled it out and realized what it was.  I told my son, “Hey Mark, I found $100 dollars”.  As we made our way back to the group, I told my wife what I had found and was sitting on the wall of the Alamo when from the crowd an old ragged looking man approached me quietly and placed his hand out.  Immediately I thought God provided me money for our needs and now out of all the crowded people this man comes to me.  I pulled out my $10 dollars and gave it to him.  He did not say a word to me, just turned and disappeared back into the crowd.  This was my God encounter of the day.  God comes for our salvation when we are watchful for his coming. 

“The Lord does not delay his promise…but he is patient” with us in the ever presence of the moment seeking our salvation that we may turn from our sins and see the face of the Lord and not perish.  For the Lord time is as if yesterday, today, and tomorrow are all one “one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day”.  This is our time to be mindful of our ways, come to repentance and remain in the spirit of sanctity.  Our wait and bringing about that day of righteousness comes with victory over death in life by “conducting yourselves in holiness and devotion”.  This is our day for us to claim our victory over death by living the sanctity of life.  Live it! 

“Do not ignore this one fact…that the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and the heavens will pass away…and all the elements will be dissolved by fire…”  The Lord has come in history, he is coming this day for us and he will come again at the end of time when time will end and eternal begin.  Eternal glory or eternal fire is coming and this is our time to prepare the way of the Lord and be received into “the new heavens and a new earth” of righteousness or receive the fire the unrighteous.  Prepare the way of the Lord. Jesus is the way.

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