
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Dt. 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps. 33:4-6, 18-20, 22; Rom. 8:14-17; Mt. 28:16-20

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is the mystery of God’s salvation in the history of the world revealed in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  In the Old Testament, Moses asked his people, “Did anything so great ever happen before?”  The people heard the voice of God the Father, they experienced the hand of God coming to save them as a nation among nations and how he tested them.  Now they “must keep his statutes and commandments” that they may prosper.  No nothing so great happened before Moses, but a greater thing has happened in the history of salvation with the incarnation of Jesus, God the Son coming to his people.  Not only that but with his ascension into heaven came the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit to remain in us, who he calls his own. 

Who can explain the mystery of one God in three persons?  Early in church history this was the center of the debate trying to make sense of who was Jesus.  How could he claim to be God and yet pray to the Father?  In the same way he would say “The Father and I are one” (Jn. 10:30).  In what is known as the prayer of Jesus, he prayed to the Father, “Now glorify me, Father, with you, with the glory that I had with you before the world began–that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us” (Jn. 17: 5, 21).  Jesus always was before the world began and is for all eternity.  The Catechism of the Catholic church teaches us that “God has left traces of his Trinitarian being in his work of creation” (CCC 237).  The work of creation in which we can seek him is from within ourselves.   

We can seek to know the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from within, from our own nature though imperfect as it is.  The nature of humanity is that it exists as body, soul, and spirit.  The body is not the soul for the body dies and the soul remains alive.  The body has a brain but the mind comes from the soul and yet body and soul are one for what affects the body affects the soul and what affects the soul affects the body.  The body and soul however are not separate from God their creator who gives us the breath of life and who without his breath we would immediately die.  His breath is the spirit of life that dwells within and yet it remains the spirit of God who is the life giver and still we are one person in a multitude of humanity. 

The Catechism teaches us that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are consubstantially one God in three persons, one in being of the same substance in relation to each other CCC 251-254).  Our calling is to bring our humanity, body and soul in unity with the Trinity, to be perfect as God is perfect.  To the degree we remain a sinful people this cannot be, for the flesh and the will are weak.  Our flesh and soul are in battle for we now have the Word given to us by God the Father, made flesh to be one with us in the Son and strengthened by the Spirit of truth and yet we resist.  We carry our sins beginning with pride before us and turn away from God’s revelation to his people. 

We do have hope, but our time is limited.  When we see the visible sign from saints who remain incorruptible, we see how the soul overcame the flesh by the power of love.  A soul that is perfected by God gives witness to his call to perfection.  This is the prayer of Jesus that we may be one with the Trinity but also one within ourselves body, soul, and spirit.  The battle is won when we turn to him with all our love and desire. 

The day is coming when those who have responded to the call to perfection will be transformed and receive a resurrected imperishable body.  Then we will see God as he is and come to know him in his glory.  Let us prepare ourselves that we will be numbered among his own in his kingdom for all eternity.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and we are called this day to be one in being with the Trinity. 

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The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Ex 34:4b-6, 8-9; Dn:3:52-56; 2 Cor. 13:11-13; Jn. 3:16-18

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity and with it comes the revelation of God as the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit.  Today God reveals himself as “Lord”.  What is in a name?  For God everything is in a name.  God comes to Moses and proclaims his name “Lord”.  John proclaims whoever “has not believed ‘in the name of the only Son of God’ has already been condemned”.  God changes the name of Abram to Abraham, and Saul becomes Paul.  In baptism a parent is asked “what name do you give your child” and in confirmation the person can take on a spiritual name.   Religious are given a spiritual name after the saints and the Blessed Mother Mary when taking vows and the Pope takes on a Fatherly name as Vicar of Christ.  Why such importance to a name? 

A name gives identity to a person as a child in the image of God in the Most Holy Trinity.  A name carries with it a charism in how we come to the Lord to offer our very being to be one with God united to him by the gift of self in order to know, love and serve God.  No mind can capture the totality of God but by our name we can respond to our call from God and enter in union with him.  A name can represent the doorway through which we come to love and to serve God. 

Here I am Lord, I Paul, Mary, John, Elizabeth and let us add our name to answering the call.  We are called by name to salvation “for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him” through his name.  What name was he given as the Son of God?  Jesus!  Jesus saves!  The love and mercy of God comes to us through Jesus. 

Thus, condemnation is of our own making as it was for Lucifer and all the angels who fell from heaven.  Lucifer refused to bow to the Son of Man as the Word made flesh falling into eternal damnation.  Moses bowed down to the Lord and confessed his people were “indeed a stiff-necked people” as it is today full of wickedness and sins.  Moses prayed to the Lord to “receive us as your own” and the Lord sent his Son that we may be one with the Most Holy Trinity.  If we fail to place God first in our lives, we carry the sin of pride and break the first and greatest commandment. 

The cultural war of our times is a battle of pride over which group is entitled to be first.  One race over another, one social class over another, one gender identity over another, a woman before the unborn child, the trans before natural birth identity and yet the Lord says “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” in speaking of the final judgment. (Mt. 25:45) In the end the first shall be last because we did not respond to God in our midst.  The final judgment begins at the moment of death.  We prepare for that moment by the way we choose to live each moment.  Each moment is an opportunity to dedicate ourselves to the will of God that we may not be caught by surprise. 

In the Most Holy Trinity we receive grace, love and fellowship to live the moment with the joy and peace of the Lord.  Grace comes with the Lord’s favor to be a child of God, love comes with mercy to forgive us of our sins, and fellowship comes with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to build up the kingdom of God by the sharing of those gifts.  It is not a formula but a way to live our lives.  This is what we rejoice in that the one true God has called us to be his chosen people. 

The Lord has called us by name.  He knows us better than we know ourselves because he created us with an identity that is God given.  The world claims that identity is in the mind.  A person can choose to identify by any gender or sexual orientation and free to change their mind as if the mind was separate from the body. 

We were created for the Lord in mind, body, and spirit.  Otherwise, the body becomes simply an object of the mind to be treated as a canvas for art, mutilated to reflect another gender, sold as an object for sexual pleasure, and intoxicated with substance abuse to an early grave.  When we claim we belong to God, we belong to him in body, soul, and spirit in which we become the temple for him to remain in us.  What impacts the body impacts the soul and the body is to be given the same honor with which we value our mind. 

We come to honor our identity in God through the virtue of chastity.  Chastity allows us to not to fall into the sins of indulgence but to govern our mind and body through discipline.  The work of discipline sets us free to raise our souls to God.  Discipline of the mind to stay focused on God and discipline of the flesh to remain chaste for God for the impure cannot contain the pure and holiness of God.  Only in his name can we discover our true self, our calling and purpose that reveals the identity for which we were born and the doorway to heaven. 

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Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – One in God

Prov. 8:22-31; Ps. 8:4-9; Rom. 5:1-5; Jn. 16:12-15

One in God and three in one we celebrate this Most Holy Trinity.  The mystery of faith is this unity to be one in God united to the Most Holy Trinity.  Called to be children of God can we say, “The Lord possessed me”?  From the beginning who is this “I” poured forth “before the earth”?  “The love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit” and through the blood of the Lamb in Jesus Christ.  God is love thus God has poured out himself throughout the earth giving of himself to us.  The Son of God “was his delight day by day, playing before him…When the Lord established the heavens” he was there.  Father, Son and Holy Spirit is there and there is now here with us and for us to be one in God. 

The “Spirt of truth” brings us the voice of God in the Son to guide us and strengthen us that we may even “boast of our afflictions in hope of the glory of God”.  The Lord finds “delight in the human race”.  We are his delight as a son is to his father who in his fatherly wisdom is guiding us through our afflictions to grow in sanctity that we may be perfect in faith, hope and love.  The struggle of humanity is recognizing when we fall from our sinfulness we may rise again by the mercy of a Father’s love.  When the world drives us to follow our own way limited by what little we know the Father sent us his Son to follow his way by the revelation of truth and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  God is truth in its undefiled and unblemished totality coming to us in the Spirit.  

We pray “I believe in one God” Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and in “one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church”.  The Church is the bride of Christ who has received the revelation through the Spirit of truth in its holy servants who by tradition and word have given us “the Word of God”.  Before the word was written down as scripture, before Word was made flesh in the Son of God, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God one in being and was poured forth “beside him as his craftsman”.  

One in God the Lord takes delight in us partakers of his creation.  Belonging to creative matter still “little less than the angels” we are to have “rule over the works of your hands” as trusted caretakers of creation.  The Spirit of truth comes that we may begin by taking care of our bodies to be kept holy as the temple of the Lord.  The Spirit of truth comes that we may care for the environment of whose elements our bodies are formed and sustained.  The Spirit of truth comes into our souls that we may be prepared to receive the gifts of the Spirit to be transformed even further into the image of God. 

Let us lift our voices up and proclaim “the Lord possessed me”, I am his and he is mine.  The Lord’s possession is one of love not as slaves.  We belong to a kingdom of love where treasures are there for us to possess as gifts of the Holy Spirit.  These gifts are the power to bring down other kingdoms of evil, to overcome spirits of darkness, to lift up others from their fallen state of death.  Possessed by the Lord we have the Spirit of truth, the power of love, and the victory over death.  Here lies the human dilemma none of this is possible by any act of our will but by our surrender to God that we may be possessed by him.  As we surrender to God we no longer live for ourselves but for his will to be done in us, we no longer seek our way but his way by having a true relationship of love with God, and we no longer belong to the kingdom of this world but to the kingdom of heaven one with God we remain in his presence. 

Most Holy Trinity come to us and remain with us as we rise up to the reality of the eternal kingdom among us for the glory of heaven, here I am. 

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