
Pentecost – Solemnity “If only!” 

Acts 2:1-11; Ps. 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor. 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn. 20:19-23

“If only the Spirit of God dwells in you” then we are alive because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ who brought death to sin in the flesh.  Are we alive in the Spirit?  Surely in baptism we received the gift of the Holy Spirit and were confirmed in the same Spirit in Confirmation.  If alive in the Spirit, then sin cannot reign in our life for good and evil cannot share in the one body.  Temptation to do good or evil can enter the mind but the Spirit of love has one choice to follow.  Yet we are a sinful people in need of redemption called to return to the Lord through the sacrament of confession.  How is it for us to be in the Spirit and not fully there yet?  Called to be perfect the stain of sin can also rise again by our free will and enter to ruin the soul. 

“If only we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.”  Here lays the human dilemma to take up our cross and follow him in our suffering.  Such was the faith of the early church Fathers and martyrs to suffer and die for their faith in the risen Lord.  Such is our calling to accept that which we cannot change and make it an offering to the Lord.  Suffering does not come from the Lord as Jesus gave witness to bring healing to the suffering.  Suffering is from the world where disease, violence, hate, evil, and tragedy enter and the evil one waits to see if we will weaken in faith and pounce upon the souls of the vulnerable.  It is in offering our suffering up that we become glorified in him. 

If only we believe willing to follow all that we have been commanded and keep his word out of fire of our love for him.  Fear is not to be the source of obedience to the law of God but love is.  Love is a relationship of knowledge where we come to know the three persons in one God and desire to be united to God doing his will out of love for him.   This is the sign of faith when we proclaim we believe we also follow our proclamation with the right action under the law of love for God.  If we say we believe only to follow our own way we only deceive ourselves.  And what about following our conscience?  Conscience is always associated with unity of thinking “con” meaning “with” someone.  Who is our thinking united to?  Is it with God, our friends, the norms of the world?  Our thinking is not our invention it is our alliance to something or someone? 

If only we can say “Jesus is Lord” to receive his spiritual gifts.  We say it in word and deed coming from the spiritual gifts, baptized and united to the one body of Christ.  “There are different kinds of gifts…different forms of service…different workings but the same God”.  Do we recognize the gift(s) we have received and practice the service that God is working through us? We are to be aware of the Holy Spirit at work in us and through us bearing fruit for the kingdom of God.  Otherwise, we may be like those who Jesus described as saying “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy…drive out demons…do mighty deeds in your name?  Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never know you.  Depart from me, you evildoers.’” (Mt. 7:22-23) Lesson learned, doing the will of the Father is not “window dressing”, looking the part and going through the motions of being called “Christian”.  Doing the will of the Father is a conversion into his very likeness. 

If only we were doing the will of the Father, then the words Jesus spoke “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” would be fulfilled.  To the disciples who he instituted as the priesthood “he breathed on them and said to them ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.  Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.”  The gift to act in the person of Christ and forgive sins was given as a primordial commandment to the disciples with the Holy Spirit.  This came after the institution of the Eucharist when he said to the disciples at the Last Supper “This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” (Lk. 22:19).  These foundation stones of the church in the body of Christ are what many followers who say “Lord, Lord” have left behind. 

Many may say “if only I can pick and choose at will and still be saved” but that is not doing the will of the Father.  God said to Moses, say that “I Am has sent me to you.”  Am I living the “I Am” that is doing the will of the Father?  Is the Father in me and I in the Father as Jesus was in the Father and the Father in him?  The Holy Spirit comes as the Advocate that we may know he is in us and we are in him doing his will. 

Did you know that the words “I am” appears over 300 times in the Bible from Genesis to Revelations?  Jesus made seven profound “I am” statements “I am the bread of life…I am the light of the world…I am the gate…I am the Good Shepherd…I am the resurrection and the life…I am the way, the truth, and the life…I am the true vine” (google search).  In what way am I now able to claim I am living the gifts of the Holy Spirit by doing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy?  This is not a mystery but a divine revelation given to us to follow. 

If only we would “fear not” to do the will of the Father.  Did you know the words “Fear not” appear in the Bible 365 times” (google search)?   Essentially one for every day of the year, we are to fear not answering the call to holiness.  When we fear not, we walk in faith.  Where does our faith lie?  It lies in the mind of Christ being outward focused.  Where does our fear lie?  It lies in our mind being inward focused.  The more we focus away from ourself we put fears to rest in the hands of God and go forth.

“If only” implies not there yet.  We cannot get there on our own but the Advocate is given to transform us from a people of waiting upon the Lord to receiving the Lord and acting upon the Lord.  Let us eliminate the “ifs” in our lives and stay focused on “only”.  Only in God we trust.  Only in the gifts of the Holy Spirit does the fire of love come to know and serve our God.  Only in Jesus Christ and his seven “I am” proclamations does salvation come to us.  Only I can accept salvation by going from the fear of “am I?” to the transformation into “I am” a child of God come to do his will.  Peace be with you.  And with your Spirit.  As the Father has sent us Jesus, Jesus now sends us forth.  Amen. 

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1st Sunday of Lent – Jesus is Lord

“Jesus is Lord” believe and be saved!  This is our Lenten journey to be “led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days” and overcome the temptations of the devil to hunger for this world when we are called to hunger for God alone.  It is when we are without that we learn that “One does not live on bread alone.”  The power and glory of this world from the devil cannot compare to the power and glory of God when we confess with our mouth “Jesus is Lord” and believe in our heart in the resurrection of Jesus.  We “will not be put to shame”.    

Moses was led by the Spirit for forty years to arrive at the “land flowing with milk and honey”.  This journey by the most direct means would have taken only eleven days something to be grasped and understood.  Why forty years for an eleven-day journey?  We ask was the Spirit misguiding the people or were the people’s spirit misguided by the temptations of the devil in their hunger for an earthly kingdom in this world?  By their actions and stubbornness of heart a generation would be lost in the desert.  The Lord’s promise to us of a land filled with milk and honey is a heavenly kingdom just beyond our sight but we may find ourselves wandering for years trying to create our own little kingdom of earthly riches and a lasting legacy of bricks and mortar that will return to dust.  The lasting legacy of life is a faith that endures in the lives we impacted during our time that continue to give testimony to our personhood in the image of God. 

In tribulation and times of distress do we cling to the Lord or in despair “dash your foot against a stone” in fear of this world.  “Be with me Lord, when I am in trouble” that I may not stand in your way of delivering me against the enemy.  In the name of Jesus, we will “trample down the lion and the dragon” because we cling to the Lord.  Now is a time of tribulation with war on the horizon and the evil one taking possession of weak souls.  Be strong in our confession of faith that the angels be commanded to guard God’s people in all our ways.  Pray for those whose lives are already in danger as they battle the enemy and call upon the Blessed Mother, the army of angels and saints for the miracle that will bring to an end war and deliver peace. 

Jesus is Lord of the heavens and earth, Jesus is Lord of the people who are ordered to bear arms against their brothers and sisters for an unjust cause, and Jesus is Lord of the persecuted fighting for freedom and peace.  Only Jesus can deliver us from the enemy who has already been defeated and is only trying to take others with him into the pit of hell.  Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for peace in the midst of war and evil.  Blessed are the sorrowful who suffer the unjust cruelty of war theirs is the promise of the land of milk and honey. 

When the Israelites went into the desert, they were saved from the Egyptians but they lacked in faith to be saved from their sin.  They desired to control their destiny rather than trust in the Lord.  They confessed their lack of faith with their lips and their actions and were put to shame.  Let us not be put to shame but rise in our faith that Jesus is Lord. 

The Lord was tempted and each time he outwitted the devil but he only “departed from him for a time”.  We must meet the persistence of evil with our confession of faith and have a well-trained soul in the Word of God for the evil one departs only for a time to return with a greater legion of demons in hopes of defeating us in our faith.  The army of Jesus must always be ready for the enemy with the weapons of spiritual warfare, prayer, fasting, a well-trained mind and body in communion with the Lord.  Even the body and perhaps most especially the body can be a source of weakness accustomed to the indulgencies of the world unaccustomed to being denied its passions.  Fasting and abstinence is a test for us that even our bodies belong to the Lord and to be kept holy as a temple to the Lord. 

In past times the battle was fought face-to-face with a breastplate to protect yourself from enemy’s weapon.  In order to protect your back-side the warriors stood back-to-back.  Our breastplate of prayer and the Word of God defends us in the battle but it is when we come together standing side by side and back-to-back “where to or three are gathered together” in the name of Jesus with the Church that we are protected from the blind side.  The sacramental life of the Church is our blind side protection against the enemy.  Alone the enemy will find our weakness but together with the Church the enemy can only flee from the power he cannot defeat. 

Lent is our time to immerse ourselves into building up our weapons for battle as the militant church on earth.  It is a call to put ourselves to the readiness test by training of our minds in the knowledge of the Word, our bodies in the discipline of the flesh, and our spirit in the love of other.  If God is with us who can be against us?  We must not become the one who is against his very self by remaining in the darkness of sin.  We are called to be the light of truth, goodness, beauty and unity.  We are called to be living in the image of God.  We are called to be the best God created us to be.  Authentic disciples who walk in faith, not in fear of the enemy but in the power of God’s love and mercy.  When we proclaim “Jesus is Lord” all the angels and saints rise up and join us in the battle already won. 

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