
Rolling Stone

The only constant is change, it remains inevitable.  Change is a set of processes supported by all the laws and principles one can identify: biological, physical, chemical, ecological, heredity, DNA code mutations, dynamics of natural selection, metaphysical and spiritual.

The purpose of change is to evolve.  The rolling stone of life evolves by both the push from behind and the pull from in front.  Behind it is the set of principles of science by which science itself recognizes the movement without the light of vision ahead.  Left to observe only the stone it often concludes these principles are simply governed by chance, opportunism, collisions, and/or random forces that “push” on.  The “pull” looks ahead at the choice being made be it simply a will to survive through its self-replication mutability, motility, metabolism, growth, irritability, and dynamic equilibrium by intrinsic design and from its vital life force to explore, reason, experiment, create, and seek what is self and beyond self.

The greatest discoveries and inventions for humanity are limited in scope to the supports of life (medicine, electricity, transportation, etc.) and not to the potential capacity of one’s own creation to reinvent, renewal, and/or rebirth of self.  Such uncharted waters of consciousness few have sought this road less traveled seen in religious, mystics, ecstatic intellectuals, and visionaries, the higher order of consciousness.

The rolling stone of Life is at best described by its’ behavior patterns as the “push” from behind yet the “ruah” (Hebrew) spirit and soul of life to “pull” ahead is purposeful, creative, reasoning, uniting, and severing in pursuit of the mission path to the light of vision.

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