Gen. 18:20-32; Ps. 138:1-3, 6-8; Col. 2:12-14; Lk. 11:1-13
Ask, seek, and knock! “You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith” born again from the womb of his love. We have now “received a Spirit of adoption through which we cry, Abba, Father.” In him we are to ask, seek, and knock and he will answer us. Abraham “dared to speak” and was persistent in his asking God for mercy and justice for all for the sake of a few innocent people. Abraham’s name begins with “Ab” meaning “father” in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek as a father figure on earth speaking up for God’s people. Abraham is leading us to recognize there is one who is coming who is truly innocent and for the sake of this innocent one nailed to the cross all of humanity can be saved through faith in him.
“Lord, teach us to pray” to “Abba” our Father who is in heaven. Lord, teach us to recognize “hollowed be your name” which is the power of your name, how sacred it is and how careless we are when we treat your name in vain as just another expression of our self-centeredness in frustration or surprise, as in “O.M.G.” or calling out “Jesus” when angry. When we treat your name in vain, we make of ourself a “god” and of you a servant and forget we are mortal creatures of dust and you are pure spirit of love eternal. We forget you created us and yet when we use your name in vain, we try to create of you an object of our needs. This is not how to ask, seek or knock on your heart in truth and holiness.
Abba, Father “forgive us our sins” our vanity and false pride that leads us to fall once again. Just as Abraham sought mercy for his people be merciful to us where sin abounds in the heart wash us clean through the sacraments of the church you instituted through your son. Let us seek your mercy as you teach us to pray truly meaning what we say and saying what we hold deep in our souls, the naked truth of our being. A sinner was I born but a saint I am being transformed.
We are like “gods” only in the sense of when we come and follow you that you allow “your kingdom come” into our lives to live out your glory. It is only then that we taste and see your goodness and the light of your glory. Your kingdom is to be lived in the heart of your love “as we ourselves forgive everyone” from the heart even as the mind does not always understand we turn to you and trust in you, “your will be done”. “Abba, Father” save us from the final test and the snares of the evil one who by the power of your name is defeated. This we ask of you, seek your will, and knock upon the door of your heart.
“Abba, Father” we ask that you “give us each day our daily bread”. Father, you have given the bread of life to the church to feed us the body and blood of Jesus in the Eucharist. Teach us to love you in this sacrifice of love you offer us as a daily bread from heaven. Father, you told Moses to remove the sandals from his feet as he stood on holy ground. You are the holy of holies in the sanctuary of the church remove the blinders from our eyes that we may see and give you the reverence and worship of our love for you.
Abba, you have left us your daily bread in your word where we can seek you and you reveal yourself to us. The incarnation of your word is a guiding light in the darkness of a world that tries to deny you, denies the truth of salvation in you and through you. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made flesh in Jesus who was and is calling us to ask, seek and knock on the door of your Word that we may join you in becoming the word to others. Your word is our defense and protection against the culture of death that seeks to redefine “truth” as a relative term.
Abba, Father “do not subject us to the final test” without your presence to sustain us for we are weak and you are strong. It is enough to pass through the test of each day without falling into temptation. It is difficult to persevere during the test of suffering hoping and waiting for some consolation. Let us not despair from asking in faith, seeking in hope, and knocking with love on the door of your heart while we wait upon you. This is our prayer to remain in you and you in us through all the days of our life “for we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us” (Phil. 4:19).
To ask is an act of humility as we recognize our powerlessness without God. We are humbled from our youthful pride as bones become brittle, our flesh weak, and our mind forgetful. Our time in this world is passing quickly and we wonder have we prepared ourselves for the final test as our day of judgment approaches. The test of love with all our heart, mind and soul and our others as ourselves. We dare to ask of ourselves by doing all things with love to the Father of love.
To seek is an act of faith believing in someone greater than ourselves, someone beyond our understanding, someone eternal, our creator who comes to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We seek forgiveness from the God of mercy for having failed to love with godly love. We seek what is lacking in us, the grace and power of holiness to do what is right, just, and merciful. We seek to be in the image of God our Father that the world may believe.
To knock is to first open the door of our heart, to trust in the Father’s plan for our salvation. It is a plan tailored for each of us we wear as the perfect suit for our lives wrapped in his love. We knock on the gate of heaven by living the sacramental life of the Church. It is the gateway given to the disciples to become apostles of salvation. We knock on the door of the Church to be received into the holy of holies from the fountain of love in baptism, confession, confirmation, the Eucharist, healing, and for those called to matrimony or Holy Orders. These doors are opened to us as a channel of his grace.
Abraham was an advocate for the people to the Father and the Lord heard his cry for mercy. We are reminded of his persistence also in the parable of the “Friend” today by Jesus. The Lord answers our cry for help and in the spirit of adoption we have received our advocate in the Holy Spirit. We have a “Friend” in Jesus who lived our humanity and desires a stronger bond of love with us. We also have our “Abba” Father ready to pour out on us his grace, his gifts of the Holy Spirit, and his promise of everlasting life.
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