
The Deacon

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

Mal. 3: 1-4; Ps. 24:7-10; Heb. 2:14-18; Lk. 2:22-40

 Mary and Joseph take Jesus the infant to present him to the Lord in the temple to comply with the Law.  Simeon recognizes the child as the Lord’s “salvation…a light of revelation”.  He also foretells to Mary that she will be tested through suffering with the words “you yourself a sword will pierce”.   How are we prepared to face the test of suffering? 

Jesus tested through suffering comes to help us being tested in our own suffering.  This is the way that the Lord God prepares the way for himself sending his “messenger” of the covenant that he desires to have with his people.

Jesus comes through great joy as the joy we experience at the birth of a child but he also comes through suffering as we encounter him on the cross in his suffering for our sins.  We prepare for both by being a people of faith, hope, and love.  In faith we believe that even our suffering has merit in the salvation of our souls.  It is the “refiner’s fire” spoken of in the first reading reminding us of our mortality and destiny as suffering helps purify our souls. 

Our hope lies in knowing that our suffering even in death is not the final ending of our lives but another of the tests we must endure to enter into the glory of God.  God is love and love is our final destiny that is now and is coming in greater force.  Love allows the cross of suffering to be bearable in the most difficult of conditions.  Love sets us free from suffering and from the evil one. 

The presentation of the Lord represents our faith, hope, and love of God and like Anna the prophetess in “prayer and fasting” we wait upon the Lord and speak of this child Jesus as the beginning and the end of our salvation.  Jesus a “light for revelation…and glory” for his people. 

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