
The Deacon

The Presentation of the Lord

Malachi 3:1-4; Ps. 2:7-10; Heb. 2:14-18; Lk. 2:22-40

The Presentation of the Lord is a revelation to the world through Simeon a “righteous and devout” man who walks into the temple in the Spirit.  Are we in the Spirit ready to receive Jesus our Lord?  The manifestation of the Son of God is our calling in the Spirit.  Jesus, flesh of my flesh and blood of my blood “he had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way, that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest before God to expiate the sins of the people.” 

Jesus is brought to the temple to be consecrated to the Lord by the high priest just as we are brought to church to be consecrated to the Lord in baptism.  In baptism we now share in the one body and blood of Christ as brothers and sisters.  For the next thirty years nothing is written about him except “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”  God does not remove his favor from us unless we like the parable of the prodigal father and son separates ourselves from his favor because we choose to leave. 

Now Anna has essentially spent her life in the temple after becoming a widow.  She is a prophetess meaning she too is in the Spirit finding favor with God.  Simeon makes the proclamation but it is Anna’s calling to begin the evangelization by spreading the good news of this child.  The Holy Family returns to Nazareth but Anna plants the seeds in Jerusalem for his coming, the king of glory “it is the Lord.”  Since she was a prophetess, she had gained the trust of the people to be believed filled with wisdom and the favor of God was upon her.  The favor of God is upon us from our baptism and the path of wisdom is given to us if we remain in the Spirit by returning to the temple of the Lord to receive his body and blood in the Eucharist. 

Both Simeon and Anna were presented with the test of faith, “is this the one?”  Guided by the Spirit they were ready to respond.  There is a daily test of faith we face.  It is manifested in how we respond to life before us in all the moments of life, in all our encounters with other souls before us.  If we respond in fear then our faith is in the power of the evil one but a response in love is faith in the presence of God to claim victory over all circumstances for a greater good. 

There is also the test of suffering a universal condition of the flesh in body, mind, and spirit.  The great saints speak to this darkness of the soul as wounded warriors.  This is our test of the cross when we turn to Jesus on the cross and he is most present to us to be our help.  Where one suffers, he suffers.  We don’t keep him on the cross he accepts the cross for our sins and suffering reminding us of the sacrifice that brings the resurrection and the life.  He bears our pain with us and we find the comfort of the Spirit at our side.  What must we do to receive it?

 Four guiding principles of wisdom.  One, respond in faith to the test with love.  God is love and love unites us to the power of his love and brings us healing.  Two, recall our baptismal promises.  This if the foundation of our faith and in proclaiming it we renew our faith and conviction rejecting all that is not of God.  Three, claim by word and deed the truth from the wisdom received.  Speak the word of truth in prayer and unite it to the souls of the living and the dead, to the angels and saints, to the powers and principalities, to the promises of God.  Finally, claim your victory and go forth believing in the greater good which is God is with us.

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