
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2017

Wis. 55: 12:13, 16-19; Rom. 8: 26-27; Mt. 13: 24-43

Judgement Day, Heaven or Hell!  “Lord you are good and forgiving…judge with clemency.”  I am reminded of a priest covert from a Protestant faith on the EWTN program Journey Home who said Catholics don’t preach much on heaven and hell.  Perhaps this is because the focus is on repentance as pilgrims in our journey home to heaven.

The Master over all things does not need our repentance.  Repentance is for our good not his and we should not expect leniency but offer our works to receive this grace.  Scriptures says, “See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone…For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.” (Ja. 2: 24, 26).  The Catechism teaches the necessity of faith, “therefore without faith no one has ever attained justification, or will anyone obtain eternal life” (CCC: 161).  Faith is the mustard seed to grow through works into the largest of plants in a mature soul.  Faith alone is not salvation it is the seed in the journey to salvation nourished by the works of love to our God of love.  What are these works?  They are the works of love in mercy and obedience to his commandments.

Today’s gospel makes clear there is no universal salvation, a “free ticket” everyone gets to have.  Some people think everyone is going to heaven and/or there is no hell.  There is good seed, the children of God and weeds, the children of the evil one.  Who are the children of the evil one?  Those committed to the works of the evil one.  Let us not judge the person that is the work of God.  Let us judge the works of evil for they will be known by their works.  Commitment to a culture of death whether in the name of religion or as a State’s rights are a judgment the works of the evil one against the good of humanity.

In our country we have reached a stage in the culture of death called the “right to die”.  In England the judicial system has ruled it has the right to decide the option of death for little Charlie J., the infant born with a rare disease.  The state determines life and death not the parents.  The court has ruled the parents have no rights to seek further medical care for a child and he needs to be taken home to die.  The battle is on.  We are not far behind in our laws.  Take for example the Church opposition of contraception early in the debate while other faith denominations supported it.  No one then thought of late term abortions much less partial birth abortions would be a legal reality.  It was for the first trimester of pregnancy or in cases rape or danger to the mother.  Today body parts are on the market for sale.  Who all participates in the works of the evil one becomes a child of the evil one.

The works of the evil one include those that “cause others to sin”.  Here we must examine our conscience.  As a culture we value personal responsibility for our actions yet we are quick to blame, “he made me do it or she made me mad”.  Is it not that there is a sense of mutual responsibility for the ultimate sin.  We acknowledge the reality of cause and effect.  Anyone who has dealt with or lived through domestic violence learns understands the cycle of abuse from one generation to another.  How many souls will our actions impact for good or evil?  How many generations will the impact have?

We also have the expression, “I don’t know what got into me, the devil made me do it.”  The devil has received its just punishment but our judgment awaits his day.

In Spanish we have the expression, “En acción de gracias”, “in act of thanksgiving” God is merciful.  Scripture says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God, it is not from works, so no one may boast.”  (Eph. 2:8)  Have we found a contradiction in scripture?  This completes our understanding of faith and works.  God alone saves!  There is no target of works we must reach to be saved for one to say “I met the goal and another I didn’t do enough”.  Works are the cause and effect of faith.  Just as faith has a cause and effect of love as scripture says, “…if I have all faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”  Faith works through love in its works.  We reside in his love through our works of mercy and obedience.  It is not either or but both and, both faith and works belong together in salvation history.

The kingdom is like yeast, a little raises three measures of good bread.  Jesus is our yeast and the woman is the church kneading the flour to give us a whole batch of children of God.  Together we will feed the hungry souls of righteousness.

The faith of a mustard seed means we must take that leap of faith and trust God with how he calls us to good works.  Heaven is calling.  What is our response today?

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I Am Aware of Thy Love

I Am Aware Of Thy Love

Oh Lord, my God

Thy love in my heart

Has awakened my spirit

Making it sparkle like the stars in heaven,

With a joy beyond description.

For your love, oh Lord,

Is a necessity that my soul requires

Like the essentials that my body needs.

The air that I breathe

The water that I drink,

The food that I eat.


How sweet it is, oh Lord,

When the day has gone its way,

Leaving darkness in its wake.

I pause to take a few moments

Dedicating my thoughts unto Thee.

As I read Thy word and meditate.

For your word is like a treasure chest,

Filled with so many beautiful things

Glowing with hour glory.


I stand in complete serenity of peace

In the midst of Thy holiness

Covered with your grace

With my humble soul singing

Unto Thee,

How Great Thou Art,’

I kneel down by my bed,

Starting to count the blessings

That came my way.

I softly let my tears say thanks unto Thee

For loving me so. 

Even though I do not understand why?

I am thankful that you do. 

Written by Maria Anna Cortino, July 18, 2017


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The Parable of the Sower

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Is. 55: 10-11; Rom. 8: 18-23; Mt. 13: 1-23

Why does Jesus speak in parables?  That is the question on the minds of his disciples.  He gives a long explanation using farming to explain it so we can all understand.  We can surmise it as it takes faith in action to believe, to trust and to follow. 

No one knows this better than a farmer.  When planting season starts there are so many potential obstacles to a good harvest, too much rain, too little rain, pests, storms, the quality of the soil, not enough laborers, and on it goes.  Farmers operate under faith in action vigilant to sustain the crop.  When harvest time comes they experience the joy of their faith believing in a power greater than self, trusting in the wisdom from knowledge, experience, and reason, and following their actions with prudence to forecast a good harvest.  I am reminded of a picture of a cotton picker harvesting the crop and all the white cotton flying into the future bail is depicted as the harvest of souls in white garments.  Just like we are called to be fishers of souls, we can also be more like farmers of souls and the white cotton are the souls dressed in our white baptismal robes harvested into the bail of salvation.     

It all begins with the seed and the soil.  God provides the seed in his word and we are the soil of creation.  Creation however is bound by slavery of sin that is blinding, deafening, and muting our senses.   I recall being a child growing up in Houston and we had the three monkeys hanging on the corner, one covering its eyes, one the ears and the other its mouth.  Back then it represented the meaning of see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.  Where is evil?  The gospel speaks of the evil found in creation making us slaves of evil with groaning in labor pains in need of a rebirth into freedom.  Freedom comes from the word of redemption if we believe with the eyes of faith, trust with the ears of understanding and follow with the word of truth by our actions. 

“They look but do not see”.  Where is our attention?  Our look often begins in judgment of what we see from our bias.  St. Francis of Assisi at first could not see beyond the skin of a leper to the image of God behind the skin.  The expression “skin deep” is often as far as we allow ourselves to look.  We want to see you Jesus but like so many crowds we follow the herd mentality to validate our skin deep notions.  We miss seeing Christ risen from the dead and remain among the dead in spirit. 

“They hear but do not listen”.  Where is our reasoning?  Our mind becomes self-listening.  We hear our voice as soon as the other speaks reasoning with our prejudgment with the too often “yes, but”.  Listening is the art of leaving out the “but” and following the reasoning of the other to their heart.  Our “yes” is accepting truth from the word speaking to our hearts and reasoning in dialogue to discover “how did you reach that understanding?”  We are also reminded of the “blind leading the blind” so all truth requires discernment. 

They speak “but do not understand”.   The intent of dialogue is to reach understanding.  Dialogue is misused to offensively or defensively create barriers to understanding.  “What do you know or How dare you?”  That hurts the one body in Christ we share.  The art of speaking is a shared wisdom from the gift of the spirit giving fruit in our minds, hearts, and souls.  The harvest of understanding will bear much fruit. 

Seed on the path without understanding is stolen away by the evil one.  The seed on rocky ground understands but is rooted in shallow ground unable to sustain a tribulation.  Seeds among the thorns of worries and temptations choke the word from the heart before it gives fruit.  Seed on rich soil yields 100 or 60 or 30 fold. 

A butterfly must first overcome the slavery of its cocoon to be released into freedom.  If it is set free prior to its time it will not fly.  It is in the struggle to free itself from the cocoon that it gains strength in its wing to fly.  We are in a cocoon of creation and the struggle for freedom is our redemption.  Our freedom awaits but we must nurture the seed given to us in the word to give a good harvest.  Faith in action produces a harvest of good while faith without action quickly dies.  Let our wings be as nimble as a butterfly and as strong as an eagle to reach our heavenly freedom. 


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Ocean View

Standing in my bedroom,

Which happens to have a magnificent ocean view,

I slid the glass doors open and walked onto the balcony,

Where I stood looking upon the ocean,

While a nice gentle cool night breeze

Brushed my skin.

Standing there, Oh Lord, looking upon the ocean

Listening to the waves as they dance upon the waters,

Seeing the soft rays of moonlight smiling upon its surface,

Made my soul forget the cares of the day

Helping me feel the serenity of Thy peace

Oh Lord, my God,

So many times I forget to stop

To enjoy the beautiful things you have created.

To just let you take care

Of the burdens that are weighing me down.

To feel the relief of my distress.

Oh Lord, my God,

How sweet it is

To let go of everything negative

To breathe in the freshness of your peace.

When I finally put my trusts in Thee,

I let your spirit gently minister to mine.

Standing there on the balcony,

Anointed with your love and peace,

I raised my hands and shouted to Thee

With cries of joy how awesome you are

I opened the eyes of my soul

To behold you clothed in splendor and majesty.

I just stand still

Knowing in my heart that you are God.

(Written by Maria Anna Cortino, June 9, 2017


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The Vision

I behold the beauty of your glory through the window of my soul, Oh Lord.

My heart is rejoicing in the green meadows that are so peaceful. 

It brings rest to my restless soul.

I walk with you oh Lord, hand in hand as a child walks with his Father.

We talk and laugh.

I enter into your garden.

I inhale the sweet aromas that are so pleasant. 

That makes me want to shout, dance with joy and glorify your Holy Name. 

Then you guide me to this beautiful crystal sea with unbelievable beauty. 

It shines so bright with your glory, as I take a sip of water my soul regains its strength.

What a glorious place of complete serenity. 

Then the Lord took my hand and said, come now to my house, sit at my table set for you. 

Now rejoice in my kingdom, for this is your home forever more. 

You have been redeemed. 

(Written by Maria Anna Cortino, June 1, 2017

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Ascension of the Lord

Where does a nine day Novena come from?  That was the question posed to me one day.  Nine days represent the time of prayer between the Ascension of the Lord and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples.  In prayer a Novena is a longing for the coming of the Lord, the anticipation and a realization of his return.  The power of the Holy Spirit gives witness to his coming “to the ends of the earth”.  Each baptized faithful is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The “two men dressed in white garments …said,…’men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?  This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”  (Acts 1:10-11) We are to look not up to the sky for him but look ahead to where he wants us to take him in our love, our actions, our kerygma, proclaiming the kingdom of God. 

“The Father of glory…gave him as head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.” (Eph. 1:17, 22-23) His body given to the church which we receive in the Eucharist is in communion the fullness of all things from Jesus.  His is the authority, power, and dominion above all things and in Him it is now our authority, power, and dominion called to go forth.  This is the witness of disciples transformed into Apostles to go forth and heal the sick, cast out demons, have authority to forgive and be renewed in the sacramental life through his body, blood, soul, and divinity. 

We long to belong.  It is God’s creation, in our DNA to belong.  Where we belong is a choice of daily life.  We choose to belong to a family, to a community, to a house of worship.  When we say “yes” to the invitation to belong to God it comes with a promise and a shared responsibility.  The church says “welcome” and “go forth”.  Welcome to the love of Jesus and go forth to spread God’s love to others. 

Go forth into a world where there is much suffering, a world in need of the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.  Where does suffering go to die?  It dies where we find joy, purpose, and meaning in the calling.  The calling comes from God.  The calling is rooted in living our core values.  Those values are in our Christian heritage, passed on by our practice of faith, our traditions, and our sacramental life.  It is our inheritance to pass on and our responsibility. 

There is a story of an American researcher who went to study the customs of a Japanese education system.  As he sat at the back of the class doing his observation and taking notes, the teacher asked the students to draw a cube.  He went around the class and found one child who had drawn it incorrectly.  He asked, “Hiroshi would you like to come up to the board and draw a cube?”  The boy said “yes” with excitement.  After attempting to draw the cube he asked the class, “Class, did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  They all said “no”.  The researcher felt bad for the child.  The teacher asked Hiroshi, “Would you like to try again to draw a cube?”  He said, “yes” and made a second attempt.  The teacher asked the class, “Did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  The class said “no” all together.  The researcher not only started to feel bad for the child but felt the anxiety and projected feelings of humiliation for the “poor” child.  The teacher asked Hiroshi again, “Would you like to try again to draw a cube?”  The child said, “yes” and again he did it wrong, and again he asked the class and all said “no”.  By now the researcher was feeling the physical pain of this stressful activity wondering “why, put this child through this?”  Once again the child was asked if he wanted to try again and he said “yes”.  This time he drew it correctly.  The teacher asked the class, “Did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  The all said “yes!” and began to clap.  The ones who drew it correctly did not have a lesson to learn but the child who went through the struggle and persevered learned a life lesson beyond how to draw a cube. 

Brother and sisters, the calling is to, “proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching…be possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.”  (2 Tim 4: 2, 5) Those called before us have finished their race and kept the faith, now it is our turn “for all who have longed for his appearance”. (2 Tim 4: 8) Go forth the Kingdom of God is at hand. 

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Called to Earthy Sanctity

Called to Earthy Sanctity – I believe, I hope, and I trust!  The Lord calls each to holiness according to their state in life.  Earthy sanctity is encountering Christ in the world where the evils of sin abound to be an instrument that points to a greater good, an encounter with the living God, and a call to holiness for the body is clean but not all. 

Some are called to holiness in detachment from the world through a cloister life, monasticism, and clericalism that offers a separation from the world dedicated to prayer, contemplation, and service structured in that order of priority.  This comes through praying the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day, the celebration of the Mass, daily Adoration time and in works to support self and offer service to others.  Through this calling one can discover a rich interior life climbing the highest spiritual mountains and going deep into the interior darkness to find the light of Christ. 

A deacon in our times is called to an earthy sanctity to battle sins of the world from within and without, to fight the good fight as a wounded warrior and to persevere to finish the race by going forth into the dark places of this world and bring the light of Christ where sin prevails.  From God the earth radiates his glory in the spirit of life for eternity but also the threat of death from sin deceived by the seven capital sins: pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and acedia.  Earthy sanctity carries its sin nature in search of purity of heart, mind, and soul with prayer, sacrifice, and charity.  This day I surrender to you O’ God, this moment, and this challenge for your glory especially when the cross seems hard to bear. 

Earthy Sanctity was caring for a dying man in the hospital as a nurse.  His body so swollen with fluid it poured out of his pores dying from liver disease.  It was debriding the gangrene off the foot of a man whose diabetes was not controlled and is trying to save his feet as you smell the stench of dead tissue.  It was being a counselor helping a child victim of abuse by a parent who now is separated from their home into an unknown world of foster care for their protection depressed and feeling abandoned.  It is administering a corporate company with the motto, “Changing hearts, Changing minds, Changing lives!” to prevent, intervene, and treat addiction.  Climbing the corporate ladder is also sanctifying it each step of the way.  It is daily facing the sins of the world as a sinner seeking to make a difference. 

A deacon finds refuge in the sacramental life, in the sanctity of marriage, in raising a family, and in fellowship while serving God in the domestic church, in the universal church, and in the world.  A deacon is to go forth in the economy of the world and the economy of salvation as a bridge that speaks to both in our times building up the kingdom of God.  A deacon finds refuge in communion with God, in our loved ones, and in our mother church who offers us a legion of angels, saints and the most Holy Trinity.  The one sent to us to awaken us in her apparitions is our Blessed Mother Mary and she remains to comfort us.  The purity of her conception and life places the crown on her head to intercede for us when we turn to her and ask, “Pray for us”.  Will her son deny her?  Not then, at the wedding of Cana, not now! 

The sun rises and the earth awakens to challenge God’s sons and daughters to subdue it.  We dare to walk in sanctity as children of the light but not all is clean for our feet remain in need of washing our sins clean.  In earthy sanctity we dare with courage to go forth with the armor of faith, hope and love to make holy ground. 

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He is risen indeed!

Victory over death in an age of terrorism, innocent martyrs killed daily, and millions seeking freedom from persecution is the hope of the resurrection.  Hope comes not by escape from suffering, nor is one called to embrace misery as inevitable but from the risen Lord.  We embrace hope and claim our victory over death in redemptive suffering as we offer ourselves to our Lord, our whole being to live according to his will.  Death is not foreign to life for each day there is a sense of an ending with the hope of a new beginning with the sun rise.  With each five years of life there is a physiological transformation with an ending to one stage of life and a new experience in our physical and spiritual growth and maturation.  Life stages are not a drama we pass through onto another stage but a meaningful journey of purification of mind, heart, and will for the sanctity of the soul.

Jesus is risen and he appears to his disciples with the greeting “Peace be with you”.  He breaks bread, eats fish, and appears to many.  The joy of this peace is the witness of victory over death that brings peace to live the truth with courage.  Jesus is now sending his disciples to go forth and live the truth with courage in the face of what will lead to their persecution.  Our victory comes in living the truth found in the risen Lord.  Embrace life in its goodness and in service of the greater good of humanity and the environment.  It begins with our home environment, our families, friends, and our state of life called to be holy.   Our sacred space is given within through our baptism not to be kept hidden but to shine light upon the world. 

The difference a life makes is in the embrace of love we are willing to offer to one another. It is the embrace of generosity, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and charity to the needs of others.  The sting of death is in the seduction of a world’s relativity in action of self-justification.  Our freedom is our justification by the blood of the lamb in Christ.  Because he lives, we live the light of eternity.  Hope in the unseen is now seen through the eyes of faith and the will to embrace love with courage.  Go forth,  He is risen indeed! 

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Palm Sunday

It begins, the Great Remembrance of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  He who lays down his life for all humanity emptied himself and received the glory of God the Father.  Our Lenten journey was an invitation to empty ourselves from our attachments and to be purified by the sacrifice that comes from love in preparation to receive the glory of God the Father this Easter.

What has filled that emptiness of self that is reflective of the resurrection?  Sacrifice brings us closer to our identity, who we are and who we are called to be.  In sin we acknowledge our weakness and in obedience we encounter the power greater than us to overcome our sin.  It sets our compass in the direction to serve the purpose for which we came into the world.  That purpose begins with the two greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor and in the encounter with God and neighbor our mission becomes revealed.    

The past self has the opportunity to die to self, receive mercy and rise to new life.  What has changed this Lenten season to bring about a transformation in us?  In the times we have said “yes” to be present, charitable, and humble, while enduring our sacrifices and persevering in kindness and generosity for the greater good we have become the image of God’s love and mercy. 

To let go and let God is to receive a taste of his glory bound to his love.  Through our sacrifice and acts of charity we enter into sacred space to be in communion with him, all the saints, angels, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

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5th Week of Lent

Lazarus come out!  That was this Sunday’s call from Jesus.  As we approach Holy Week our scriptures have us reflect more on death and God’s power over death.  We saw it on Sunday’s gospel in the death of Lazarus and Jesus announcing, “I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, even if he dies will live and everyone who believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”  That is the question we need to answer for ourselves in facing death.  Fear of death is a powerful force for the evil one to use on us. 

This week King Nebuchadnezzar in his “utter rage”   has Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego bound and thrown into the furnace but four appear to be walking in the fire, unfazed by it, and the “fourth looks like the son of God”.  How is it that Nebuchadnezzar recognizes the fourth as the “son of God” but the Jews don’t recognize the son of God before them fulfilling the scriptures?  The great sign is victory over death.  Soon we will be celebrating the passion of the Lord and Jesus victory over death.  “Do you believe this?”  Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Martha, and Mary believed. 

The fear of death is powerful among the earthly living?  Why, a lack of faith?  Perhaps one reason is we are taught the definition of death is “the end of life…a permanent and irreversible cessation of all vital functions” in Webster’s Dictionary.  This is a contradiction to God’s spirit in us for everlasting life.  If this humanity was the true “end of life” then Jesus coming is a myth for the weak and vulnerable and his miracles an illusion. 

Science will attest that in human development all our cell structure dies and is renewed about every five years; thus an infant dies to itself to become a child, and a child dies to become a teen…in more ways than one…and a teen passes on to become an adult and the adult an elderly person with the same spirit and soul given to the infant.  We are not in the custom of saying each dies to itself into the next stage of life, we say we grow and develop.  We also grow and develop into the divine life and image of our creator.  Jesus calls us to die to oneself and be transformed into his image. 

The final transformation is to leave this body for a spiritual state and then the final coming when we will have an incorruptible body reunited to our soul.  Two more stages to grow into.  Recall the transfiguration of Jesus when he appears with Moses and Elijah, they are all alive. 

So what is death?  Sin is death and death is a permanent and irreversible separation from God.  We fear mortal death and don’t fear sin to the pleasure of the evil one who desires our permanent and irreversible separation from God.  Human decay is the stench of sin.  Death where is your sting?  It is in sin.  Jesus victory over death is not a mortal victory over the body, it is the victory over sin for our humanity that we may believe. 

Catechism has clear teaching on death.  In #1105 we read, we must “be away from the body and at home with the Lord.  In that ‘departure’ which is death the soul is separated from the body.  It will be reunited with the body on the day of the resurrection of the dead.  #1006 say, “Death is in fact ‘the wages of sin.”  #1007 says, “Death is the end of earthly life.”  #1008 says, “Death is a consequence of sin.”   And, #1009 says, “Death is transformed by Christ.” 

It also reminds us to die in a state of Christ’s grace is to participate in the Lord’s death so we can also share his Resurrection (#1006).  This participation we will be celebrating liturgically this coming Holy Week but we live it daily.  Thus as scripture says, “not all will die” but all share Christ’s death.  Let us remain among the living for all eternity.  Prepare to live on! 

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