Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Rom 15:4-9; Mt 3:1-12
On that day is now this day! Who is this baby who “shall play by the cobra’s den…and the child lays his hand on the adder’s lair”? Where are justice and the fullness of peace forever? It is Jesus and in Jesus! He is the “root of Jesse” who fills the earth with knowledge of the Lord. It is our time now to “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths” in our hearts, our lives in relationship with Jesus our King. The path into his kingdom is repentance.
We live in a world full with a “brood of vipers” spreading injustice, turmoil, war, and division. Where do we choose for a lair? Our rest is in the Lord. This is the day when our neighbor is a bear or a lion we do not fear for the spirit of the Lord rests upon him who receives him that is Christ Jesus. Receive Jesus and fear not. The spirit comes with knowledge and understanding to take right action in good counsel and strength. Our strength is in the Lord to climb the “holy mountain”. This “holy mountain” is the kingdom of God given to us at baptism.
The holy mountain in baptism comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our pilgrimage is to climb the mountain as we grow and mature in faith through this life. It comes with graces that are spiritual gifts in our “tool box” to meet the challenges up the mountain of life. At times we say “life happens” but does it really just happen or do we journey by choice along a path? We may even get lost and stumble, losing sight of our purpose in life. Then the guiding star appears again and we return to the path of righteousness and continue our journey.
He judges the poor with justice, are we not all among the “poor”? Our poverty comes in our suffering physical, emotional, and spiritual warfare. We are the militant church on earth and we have a battlefield each day we rise and offer it up to the Lord. Justice is for the Lord and it comes to those who “produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance.” Our battle focuses not on the evil doers even if the wolf comes to be our guest and it will come. It always does. It seeks to test our faithfulness to the truth. Shall we stand or shall we fold to the challenge? The Holy Spirit will direct what we are to say to the ruthless and the wicked as a “rod” to strike the heart of the deceiver.
Our battle focuses on producing good fruit. The band around our waist is the band of justice, do the next right thing trusting in the one who is with us. The next right action is the test of good fruit. We must be prepared for the test. Prayer is the beginning and the end of our preparation. Pray always with a conscious intention before the next important step in the path of justice. Pray in repentance for our sins before the next right reception of the bread and body of Christ in the Eucharist. Pray for the enemy calling for mercy and justice. Pray for perseverance while the test is in process that the struggle up the mountain continue and not turn back down in despair. Pray in thanksgiving for the battle is won through prayer.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand! That day the prophet Isaiah prepares us for is here. Where will we rest our heads tonight?
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