
The Deacon

2nd Sunday Ordinary Time – “Here I am.”

1 Sam. 3:3b-10, 19; Ps.:40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor. 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42

“Here I am” is music to the Lord.  The great “I Am” is calling us to be joined to him becoming one in Spirit. He called on Samuel but Samuel does not recognize the voice of the Lord for he had not revealed himself to Samuel.  How is the Lord revealing himself to us this day?  Even though Samuel does not initially recognize the voice of the Lord, he however is prepared to listen as a servant of the Lord and he respects the authority of Eli to guide him.  John guides “two of his disciples” to Jesus with the words “Behold, the Lamb of God.”  Andrew guides his brother Simon to Jesus with the words “We have found the Messiah.” Jesus invitation is that of a guide, “Come, and you will see.”  And see we must if we are to be his disciples.  From our baptism who guided us in our faith development and by our testimony who are we guiding to Jesus or back to him? 

The invitation to come is an invitation to enter into the covenant relationship with the Lord.  It is transformative as Jesus looks on Simon addressing him by name and giving him a new name “Cephas” translated Peter.  Is Simon just a random person living his life as a fisherman who crossed paths with Jesus or is there a greater plan in motion for Simon who has been living his life until this moment when he is called to come and see the greater glory of God?  Jesus addresses Simon by his formal name “Simon son of John” meaning he knew who he was speaking to though it was their first encounter.  Simon was already being guided to Jesus by the spirit at work as a faithful Jew.  Simon was living his life not knowing the greater plan God had waiting for him but he was ready at that moment the Messiah called him by name.

God has a plan for each and every one of us and we must remain vigilant of his calling by making it our prayer to say “Here I am, Lord”.  We must be prepared in our readiness for the moment we are called to respond by faith in our encounter with the Lord. In religious orders, a priest receives a new name, a spiritual name to identify with the charism of a saint.  The Pope gives himself a new name when he becomes “the chosen one” as head of the church.  The name is not a symbolic sign but a sign of unity in the call to carry forward the plan of salvation in the spirit of those who have come before. 

What name may God be giving us apart from our birth name to represent him as he reveals himself to us in our encounter with him?  Are we as Mary to remain at his side in Eucharistic Adoration?  Are we to be as Paul to testify to the Gentiles of our time that is those who are not of the Christian faith or follow no faith practice?  Are we to be a St. Francis working within the church to rebuild it as CCE teachers? Are we to be as St. Theresa of Calcutta caring for the sick as health care workers? Are we to be a St. Vincent de Paul feeding the hungry and caring for the poor?  The saints give us many examples to follow with a diversity of gifts coming from God’s grace.  All saints have one thing in common and that is they come to Jesus through a free act of the will to be in union with him.

It is an act of the will as it is an act of God’s call to be “joined to the Lord” becoming of one Spirit with him in his revelation to all that is truth, goodness, beauty, and unity.  If we have been “purchased at a price” the price of the cross to be the temple of the Lord then our purpose begins with the purity of the temple for us to “will it”.  He wills it when we remain open to his will with the readiness of our souls in the words “Here I am Lord”.  The spirit is willing but the will is weak so let us begin to build the will of fidelity through our baptism with the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen us.  Let us will it!    

Let us will to keep our body and soul undefiled as the temple of the Holy Spirit given to us at baptism. We are called to glorify God in our body by avoiding immorality.  Aristotle distinguishes from two types of immorality: wickedness and weakness.  Wickedness against the body includes the abuse from alcohol and drugs among other addictions.  Weakness of the body includes acts against the chastity of the body through lust, fornication, and adultery.  Gluttony is both a weakness that in time becomes an abuse as chronic conditions develop into long-term consequence coming to an early death.  In these times of the pandemic having comorbid health conditions is a high risk of death because of a compromised body.  In this age of indulgence, we not only weaken the body, but our mind, emotions, and will quickly succumb when we face the test of the cross.  This is the day to return to the Lord in holiness of chastity, morality, and virtue. 

“Let it begin with me” that is the universal “me” of each member of the body of Christ. It begins with the will of obedience.  Obedience is an act of humility to trust in the Lord who is beyond all our understanding.  Obedience is an act of faith in a Father of creation who desires the greatest good of his creation in his plan for our salvation.  Obedience is your BFF (Best Friend Forever) to guard you and guide you by the word of truth to righteousness.  In obedience we offer our cross to Jesus and he lifts it for us to carry us with it in our redemptive suffering. 

“Let it remain with me” through the perseverance of discipline in the spiritual exercises of our confirmation of faith.  Discipline is the workforce that makes obedience become natural to our identity as children of God.  Discipline transforms our obedience into who we were created to be in the image of Christ.  We discipline our mind to focus on the word of God.  We discipline our hearts to receive the love of God.  We discipline our will to listen to the will of God.  Thus, in discipline Christ is our true BFF always with us in our hope when we take up our cross and follow. 

Discipline builds spiritual muscle to defend us in battle against the attack of the enemy.  Discipline is our confirmation of faith in our call to be warriors in the works of salvation.  What are our spiritual exercises of discipline such as the rosary, a novena, an examination of conscience, a holy hour, the Divine Mercy chaplet? Perhaps personal prayers we say in the morning, before meals, and at bedtime. How about simply praying, “Jesus I trust in you” or “Here I am, Lord!” during the day. Any of these our practice? Hopefully more than one.

“Let it be willed by me” to unite ourselves to ” God’s plan of salvation.  Works of mercy both spiritual and corporal reveal God’s plan of salvation for us to enter into God’s kingdom.  Works of mercy are works of the Holy Spirit in the love of Christ.  Works of mercy are the visible sign of our response to the voice of God when we pray, “Here I am, Lord”.  God’s plan of salvation is both universal and particular to each of us born with a purpose in his plan. 

Let it be God’s will that we follow and not be misguided by false teaching, social norms in a culture of death, or wolves disguised in sheep’s skin.  The Lord promises to be with us until the end of time. He gives us a listening heart to recognize his voice, to know when he calls, to guide us to himself and protect us when we turn to him in all things.  We are never alone when we pray, “Let it be!  Let it be! Here I am Lord.” Let this be part of our New Year’s Resolutions.

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