Who is the greatest apostle for Jesus? Is it from among the twelve Apostles whom Jesus called? They questioned among themselves who was the greatest and Jesus called them to humble themselves. It is the one who says “my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord” by her purity, fiat, and her lowliness. Mary is the one who did not taste death but in sleep was assumed body and soul into heaven.
Consider all the relics of the bodies of the apostles who died and were immediately venerated and given their final burial place. Mary was placed in the care of John the apostle by Jesus at the cross. There is no body, no remains, and no burial place for Mary. The ascension of Jesus was witnessed by many and written about. No word is mentioned of Mary. Perhaps no explanation could be given for her assumption as she vanishes without a trace. Death has that impact in that one moment we are here and the next we are face to face before the judgment seat with Jesus but our bodies remain behind as a consolation to others. Mary’s body and soul remained with the breath of God in unity, immortal, uncoruptible, and blessed.
Mary is the one who returns in her apparitions sent to us for the conversion of sinners and is called to holiness. Mary is the one by her son in life and death and the mighty one continues to do great things for her. Her soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord for it is united to his rejoicing to be the beloved full of grace the one “Blessed by God”.
Our blessings come from God and Mary is there to present our prayers before him. Where two hearts are thus united by love a transformation of the world comes for the salvation of souls. We cannot receive in our hearts Jesus without receiving Mary and we cannot receive Mary without receiving Jesus. We belong to a communion of saints called to be one with the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit.
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