
The Assumption the Blessed Virgin Mary

Who is the greatest apostle for Jesus?  Is it from among the twelve Apostles whom Jesus called?  They questioned among themselves who was the greatest and Jesus called them to humble themselves.  It is the one who says “my soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord” by her purity, fiat, and her lowliness.  Mary is the one who did not taste death but in sleep was assumed body and soul into heaven. 

Consider all the relics of the bodies of the apostles who died and were immediately venerated and given their final burial place.  Mary was placed in the care of John the apostle by Jesus at the cross.  There is no body, no remains, and no burial place for Mary.  The ascension of Jesus was witnessed by many and written about.  No word is mentioned of Mary.  Perhaps no explanation could be given for her assumption as she vanishes without a trace.  Death has that impact in that one moment we are here and the next we are face to face before the judgment seat with Jesus but our bodies remain behind as a consolation to others.  Mary’s body and soul remained with the breath of God in unity, immortal, uncoruptible, and blessed. 

Mary is the one who returns in her apparitions sent to us for the conversion of sinners and is called to holiness.  Mary is the one by her son in life and death and the mighty one continues to do great things for her.  Her soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord for it is united to his rejoicing to be the beloved full of grace the one “Blessed by God”. 

Our blessings come from God and Mary is there to present our prayers before him.  Where two hearts are thus united by love a transformation of the world comes for the salvation of souls.  We cannot receive in our hearts Jesus without receiving Mary and we cannot receive Mary without receiving Jesus.  We belong to a communion of saints called to be one with the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit. 

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Easter Triduum

The Easter Triduum is three events in the one continuous recognition of the Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection.  This begins with Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday and concludes with vespers (evening prayer) on Easter Sunday. 

It began with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday as the Lord institutes the memorial of the Eucharist in the offering of his body and blood in preparation for the sacrifice to come in his death.  The Eucharist is his true body and blood in a mystery of transubstantiation for the atonement of our sins through all ages.  Lent was an opportunity to join Jesus by sharing of our own sacrifice not to atone for our sins but as an act of worship and thanksgiving.  The celebration of the Mass is a celebration of thanksgiving in remembrance of the one sacrifice.  It also institutes Holy Orders, that is the one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic church with himself as our High Priest and the disciples as priestly servants of the High Priest.  We recall this institution by the reenactment of the washing of the feet to remember true discipleship is servant leadership.  This invitation to servant leadership is a call to all faithful believers in our own state of life.  The willingness of ourselves to sacrifice for others is the beginning of the Christian life. 

Next is Good Friday, just one day after the institution of the Holy Eucharist we have this one day in which the church does not celebrate the Mass.  The solemnity of this day is the passion and death of Jesus in which Catholic churches around the world conduct reenactments to recall the reality of the sacrifice in all of Jesus true humanity to return to the Father in all his divinity.  His life is not taken from him.  He surrenders it to the Father to be one, consubstantial of the one nature with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  We are invited to spend an hour in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament this night as Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake with him in his agony before his arrest.  We recall his suffering is very personal in our lives for our own redemption, the forgiveness of our sins.  As Peter denied Jesus three times, we recall our own denial of our faith.  When we trust not Jesus will in our lives but our own egocentric desire to be our own god we reject his grace and mercy and deny him once again.  When we choose to disobey the commandments with full knowledge and free will we deny the fear of God and invite judgment upon ourselves.  When we vow to the Lord to live our state of life in chastity to our call as single, married, widow, religious, or priestly and break our vows we deny our Lord.  We may deny our promises but Jesus does not deny himself the promise he has made to us. 

The Tridium concludes with the final day beginning with the Saturday vigil at sunset until Sunday evening vespers.  In the darkness of the fire the Easter candle is lit to bring us “The Light of Christ” to “banish the darkness of sin” and “persevere undimmed” (Exultant) in the life of the church and in our lives as faithful followers of the light.  The night recalls the history of salvation in all the readings and in our voices raised to sing the Gloria, the Litany of the Saints and our Alleluia!  Easter has come with the promise of the empty tomb that is the resurrected Christ.  We join him as children of the light to burn brightly in our souls fulfilling the great commandment, “love God” and “love your neighbor” as he loves us. Our praise to God is fulfilled in our capacity to love.  We come together as family to express that love having already reconciled our self to God and with each other.  We come together as church to share in the fellowship of this love poured out for us giving testimony through our worship together.  We come together in our image of God to be one with him in our soul joining our mind, hearts, and will to be of one mind, one heart, and one will as humble servants ready to wash each other’s feet. 

Saint Peter reminds us of that we do fall and we rise again in hopes that each time our conversion brings us closer to Jesus, closer to the divine life, closer to each other.  HAPPY EASTER!! 

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Mary Queen of Heaven

Recently I had the opportunity to go to Lebh Shomea with my wife.  It is east of a small Texas town named Sarita towards the coast.  It is a silent retreat house donated by Sarita Kennedy to the Oblate Order.  It is a wonderful place to rest in the Lord.  One of its many treasures is the library filled with religious books and other resources.  You can spend days and years immersed in the wisdom captured within these walls.  I checked out three books but spent most of my reading time on one, a book titled, A Theology of Mary (Vollert, Cyril 1965).  In it is presented the many theological and philosophical arguments that have been made of the Blessed Mother over the centuries. 

It begins with the argument that the first principle of God is that God is a God of order.  Thus everything in the universe is ordered.  Mary’s place in the universal history of salvation is also ordered for God’s glory and unity.  Theologians work is to dig deep into the mystery of Mary and identify Mary’s first principle in the order of salvation.  Since it is a mystery they seem to not be able to settle the question with each argument having a counter argument. 

They argue Mary is the new Eve as mother of mankind associated with Christ the new Adam in the order of reparation as Eve was associated with Adam in the order of ruin but then is the first principle of Mary that of “bridal motherhood”?  The concern as a first principle is that she is not the bride of humanity, she is our Mother as the new Eve of humanity. 

They argue Mary as co-redemptoris as Mother of the Redeemer in her role in the order of salvation history.  She participated through her fiat in the birth of our Redeemer, but it is Jesus who saves.  They argue for Mary as a co-mediatrix for she intercedes for us as a Mother who interceded as the wedding of Cana whey they ran out of wine.  The concern is that “no one comes to the Father except through Jesus the one mediator.  Still it is argued we go to Jesus through Mary but as a first principle it also falls short in that we also go to God in the Holy Spirit through the Son to the Father.  A “conciliatory opinion” is that Mary is an “associate” of the mediator but nobody like the compromise view. 

Another argument is that Mary is the prototype of the church.  She is “the church in germ” meaning she is the incarnation of the church as seen in Revelations, the woman clothed with the sun, the universal church and the perfect realization of what it is to be church.  In God’s salvific plan she is the “arc-type” of the Church.  It is also argued that the Church is the mystical body of Christ but “the Church is not Christ and Christ is not the Church”; neither is Mary the Church or the Church Mary.  “The Church is a visible society founded by Christ”. 

There are other arguments like Mary is the “new Paradise” but what is not argued is that Mary is “full of grace, Mother of God”.  That is the declared dogma of the Church and thus infallible in its proclamation.  It is the fundamental principle of who she is in the order of salvation.  Mary’s birth is the perfect sanctification through grace without sin to bring Jesus Christ into the world.  It is the mystery of human salvation, the mystery of the union between God and humanity to unite our human nature to God in the Son.  God becomes fully human that we may be divinized by our participation in Christ.  Mary is a channel for grace in her smallness she is assumed and crowned our Queen of Heaven. 

It is good to be small and humble.  Pope Francis says on the Nativity of Mary that we have a tendency to believe “bigger is better”.  If you are from a small town we seek to go to the “big City” as a better place to be.  Children see a big gift wrapped present and believe it is better than a small gift.  In scripture we see God’s preference for the “small and insignificant”.  Jesus comes from Bethlehem, Mary from Nazareth.  What can these small insignificant towns offer compared to the big city of Jerusalem?  They offered us the savior of the world and Queen of Heaven.  What is insignificant in the eyes of the world is not insignificant to God.  God cares about the smallest things in our lives.  He is not in the thunder but in the whisper. 

Let us not fear God in hurricanes, earthquakes and disasters when they arrive in force to bring destruction.  Let us search for him from within, in who he created us to be in Him.  If he resides in the smallness of our being as he came into the womb of Mary then we are sanctified and give glory and praise for is God is with us, who can be against us. 

God called Mary through a particular family lineage to give birth to Jesus in a particular small town at a set time in history to take her place for the world’s salvation.  He calls us also in our smallness in our time to share in the divine mystery.  What is my response to Him today? 

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I Am Aware of Thy Love

I Am Aware Of Thy Love

Oh Lord, my God

Thy love in my heart

Has awakened my spirit

Making it sparkle like the stars in heaven,

With a joy beyond description.

For your love, oh Lord,

Is a necessity that my soul requires

Like the essentials that my body needs.

The air that I breathe

The water that I drink,

The food that I eat.


How sweet it is, oh Lord,

When the day has gone its way,

Leaving darkness in its wake.

I pause to take a few moments

Dedicating my thoughts unto Thee.

As I read Thy word and meditate.

For your word is like a treasure chest,

Filled with so many beautiful things

Glowing with hour glory.


I stand in complete serenity of peace

In the midst of Thy holiness

Covered with your grace

With my humble soul singing

Unto Thee,

How Great Thou Art,’

I kneel down by my bed,

Starting to count the blessings

That came my way.

I softly let my tears say thanks unto Thee

For loving me so. 

Even though I do not understand why?

I am thankful that you do. 

Written by Maria Anna Cortino, July 18, 2017


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Ocean View

Standing in my bedroom,

Which happens to have a magnificent ocean view,

I slid the glass doors open and walked onto the balcony,

Where I stood looking upon the ocean,

While a nice gentle cool night breeze

Brushed my skin.

Standing there, Oh Lord, looking upon the ocean

Listening to the waves as they dance upon the waters,

Seeing the soft rays of moonlight smiling upon its surface,

Made my soul forget the cares of the day

Helping me feel the serenity of Thy peace

Oh Lord, my God,

So many times I forget to stop

To enjoy the beautiful things you have created.

To just let you take care

Of the burdens that are weighing me down.

To feel the relief of my distress.

Oh Lord, my God,

How sweet it is

To let go of everything negative

To breathe in the freshness of your peace.

When I finally put my trusts in Thee,

I let your spirit gently minister to mine.

Standing there on the balcony,

Anointed with your love and peace,

I raised my hands and shouted to Thee

With cries of joy how awesome you are

I opened the eyes of my soul

To behold you clothed in splendor and majesty.

I just stand still

Knowing in my heart that you are God.

(Written by Maria Anna Cortino, June 9, 2017


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The Vision

I behold the beauty of your glory through the window of my soul, Oh Lord.

My heart is rejoicing in the green meadows that are so peaceful. 

It brings rest to my restless soul.

I walk with you oh Lord, hand in hand as a child walks with his Father.

We talk and laugh.

I enter into your garden.

I inhale the sweet aromas that are so pleasant. 

That makes me want to shout, dance with joy and glorify your Holy Name. 

Then you guide me to this beautiful crystal sea with unbelievable beauty. 

It shines so bright with your glory, as I take a sip of water my soul regains its strength.

What a glorious place of complete serenity. 

Then the Lord took my hand and said, come now to my house, sit at my table set for you. 

Now rejoice in my kingdom, for this is your home forever more. 

You have been redeemed. 

(Written by Maria Anna Cortino, June 1, 2017

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He is risen indeed!

Victory over death in an age of terrorism, innocent martyrs killed daily, and millions seeking freedom from persecution is the hope of the resurrection.  Hope comes not by escape from suffering, nor is one called to embrace misery as inevitable but from the risen Lord.  We embrace hope and claim our victory over death in redemptive suffering as we offer ourselves to our Lord, our whole being to live according to his will.  Death is not foreign to life for each day there is a sense of an ending with the hope of a new beginning with the sun rise.  With each five years of life there is a physiological transformation with an ending to one stage of life and a new experience in our physical and spiritual growth and maturation.  Life stages are not a drama we pass through onto another stage but a meaningful journey of purification of mind, heart, and will for the sanctity of the soul.

Jesus is risen and he appears to his disciples with the greeting “Peace be with you”.  He breaks bread, eats fish, and appears to many.  The joy of this peace is the witness of victory over death that brings peace to live the truth with courage.  Jesus is now sending his disciples to go forth and live the truth with courage in the face of what will lead to their persecution.  Our victory comes in living the truth found in the risen Lord.  Embrace life in its goodness and in service of the greater good of humanity and the environment.  It begins with our home environment, our families, friends, and our state of life called to be holy.   Our sacred space is given within through our baptism not to be kept hidden but to shine light upon the world. 

The difference a life makes is in the embrace of love we are willing to offer to one another. It is the embrace of generosity, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and charity to the needs of others.  The sting of death is in the seduction of a world’s relativity in action of self-justification.  Our freedom is our justification by the blood of the lamb in Christ.  Because he lives, we live the light of eternity.  Hope in the unseen is now seen through the eyes of faith and the will to embrace love with courage.  Go forth,  He is risen indeed! 

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Palm Sunday

It begins, the Great Remembrance of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  He who lays down his life for all humanity emptied himself and received the glory of God the Father.  Our Lenten journey was an invitation to empty ourselves from our attachments and to be purified by the sacrifice that comes from love in preparation to receive the glory of God the Father this Easter.

What has filled that emptiness of self that is reflective of the resurrection?  Sacrifice brings us closer to our identity, who we are and who we are called to be.  In sin we acknowledge our weakness and in obedience we encounter the power greater than us to overcome our sin.  It sets our compass in the direction to serve the purpose for which we came into the world.  That purpose begins with the two greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor and in the encounter with God and neighbor our mission becomes revealed.    

The past self has the opportunity to die to self, receive mercy and rise to new life.  What has changed this Lenten season to bring about a transformation in us?  In the times we have said “yes” to be present, charitable, and humble, while enduring our sacrifices and persevering in kindness and generosity for the greater good we have become the image of God’s love and mercy. 

To let go and let God is to receive a taste of his glory bound to his love.  Through our sacrifice and acts of charity we enter into sacred space to be in communion with him, all the saints, angels, and our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

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Reality is not a pinball game

Reality is not a pinball game in search of a prize.

In search of objective reality begins and ends with God in the life cycle of a creator and a creature transformed into his reality behind the veil of mystery waiting for the rapture of love as a gift not a pinball prize. 

To ask, “What is real?” or to imperatively declare “Get real!” is to search for identity in the real presence of God, not within the subjective reality that begins and ends in the mind of a fools pinball game launched into random chance of striking success as the ball becomes a target itself by set barriers that propel it into new directions in hopes of a prize only to inevitably fall helplessly back to its starting point for a new beginning with the same mindset that propelled it from the start in search of the prize. 

Objective reality is in the mystery of “Other”, God is other, and in the unity of a triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we encounter him in the other before us in our presence, in the innocent child, the sacrifice of a parent, the sick, the elderly, the poor and the hungry, and more visibly in the veil of the Eucharist in silent adoration and in the unity of the assembly gathered for worship and thanksgiving as a sacrifice of love, it all becomes revealed in truth, goodness, beauty, and love, the true nature of self as an identity through him, with him, and in him, the crown of glory, a gift not a prize.  

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Sophia filled with grace in the Word

Once was a “word”, a friend of Sophia able to carry meaning sent forth to generate life and come to rest in understanding. 

A life of relationship and unity of purpose to reveal truth and true meaning was defined in the word.

The word’s flight ascended higher above and descended deeper within creating a bond between other words as soul mates on a journey of understanding. 

Then the enemy comes who undefined any meaning by redefining a flight of meanings through individuation, isolation, and rationalization in a complexity of contextual uses ever changing. 

The intent of the enemy is confusion in an essence of purposeless subject and purposeful objects for power to be gained in one instant and discarded the next for a new intent ever fleeting. 

The “new” word wills to cannibalize Sophia into prostitution; with image distorting mirrors of vanity for the kingdom of One…hell. 

The original word filled with grace and beauty allowed Sophia to unite faith and reason to ascend to heaven. 

The “new” word is symbolic in obscene gesture with self-defined technical innuendos to distort meaning in flight through reflective colored lenses. 

The enemy hears himself alone.

Our hope is in the hollowed Word made flesh and not the flesh filled words that grackle in meaningless noise. 

The silent word has landed and lowered the anchor into our soul sure and firm breaking into consciousness the lost meaning, the word revealed in its’ full splendor. 

The original Word; 

The Word made flesh.

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