
The Deacon

2nd Sunday of Lent

Genesis 12:1-4a; Ps. 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22; 2 Tim. 1:8b-10; Mat. 17:1-9

Am I a believer?  Then “Rise, and do not be afraid.”  Abram was not afraid to leave behind a life he had created for himself and his family to go to the promise land of “a great nation”.  Jesus “touched them” that is Peter, James, and John calling them to rise and not be afraid of the voice of God calling them to recognize “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”  St. Paul in his letter to Timothy is calling him to “Bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God.”  There is a plan for us “according to his own design…before time began”.  Are we a believer? 

The believer is in search of their destiny in the plan of God.  The transfiguration in today’s gospel is the metamorphoses in Christ Jesus “who destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light”.  It is a revelation of the light of Christ and we are to “listen to him”.  Jesus is the voice of God and is God who we prostrate our hearts to.  A believer listens to the voice of God in the gospel unafraid to follow in abandonment of self.  This is our Lenten journey to fear less the call for abandonment of self, “listen to him”, and believe in the gospel.  The believer will climb of mountain of faith, become transformed into the light of courage and be guided into the plan of God destined for his glory. 

Abram, Peter, James, John and Paul all heard the voice of God and their transformation was instant, complete, and unafraid.  This is the power of our baptism, the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word made flesh when we come to receive as a believer.  Here also lies the fault when our will to believe is weakened by our will to follow our own ways.  If only we would stop and “listen to him”, “seek and you shall find” what is God asking of us in the moment we face.  There is a local expression made famous by President Ronald Reagan who said “trust but verify”.  We are to trust ourselves with the gift of the Holy Spirit and the graces poured out for us to believe and go forth but we are to also take time to listen for the voice of God and verify we are following the will of God.  This is the covenant to walk in unity with God in three persons and with “our neighbor”. 

This unity is a unity with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  We see this unity in the Sacred Heart of Mary crowned as Queen of Heaven.  We see this unity in the heart of the saints whose sacrifice was in unity with the will of God.  We see this unity in our church when we gather together to offer our sacrifice of the Mass with penance, praise, and worship.  We also see this unity when we gather to pray as a family in our home uniting our hearts to be one with God, one in understanding, hope, and love.  This is the fruit of the believer.  There is no longer two, three or more but of one heart, voice, and mind.  I am a believer. 

The plan of God is perfect.  In the transfiguration is Moses a sign of the Law of God, Elijah a sign of the Word of God in the prophets, and Jesus the fulfillment of both.  Lent is our call to follow the law of God given in the word of God and perfected in the son of God as priest, prophet, and king to become flesh in our being, that is of one body, soul, and divinity with Jesus.  This is receiving communion as we come to the Eucharist to receive Christ himself and be transformed as bone of our bones and flesh of our flesh, one in the Trinity of God with all the angels and saints. 

A prayer for the believer in the Great “I AM”:

God is good and deserving of all my love; thus, “I Am” good made in his image

“I Am” perfect as called to be, in the perfection of this moment.

“I Am” master all that has been given to me; much have I received

“I Am” of perseverance in good times and in bad; in the joys and sorrows of life, God is present

“I Am” of prayer for God’s mercy, seek his love, trust in this divine providence

“I Am” a believer, “I Am” of prayer, “I Am” of trust, and “I Am” called to go forth. 

“I Am” in the one body, soul, and divinity

The Great “I AM” 

Am I a believer?  I am to “Rise, and do not be afraid.”  I am to “Listen to him” and fear not to go to the promise land destined for the believer.

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