
3rd Sunday of Advent Year

Zep 3: 4-18a; Is. 12: 2-6; Phil. 4: 4-7; Lk. 3: 10-18

Our Advent has reached a spiritual “fever pitch” of rejoicing.  Regardless of our circumstances “Fear not…be not discouraged”, God is with us.  It is the message of hope in a loving God who knows us personally as his own, not slaves but brothers and sisters in Christ his only begotten Son.  How can we rejoice in the midst of suffering, troubles, and broken hearts?  We respond in humility and meekness relying on the mystery of God’s plan.

It is easier for the poor to respond in humility and meekness in the simplicity of life than for the rich in the pride of their pride, prestige, and power.  When we detach from all that perishes we enter into the simplicity of love, to be with the one we love.  The one we love begins with God in the Trinity, our Blessed Mother Mary, our special devotions to our saints, and those who journey with us in this life as family and friends.  In realization of our own poverty we then have fellowship and extend our love to our neighbor, the stranger, widow and the orphan.  This is loves perfect journey.

Again rejoice always, “The Lord is near” nearer than we realize.  Have no anxiety it is the evil one’s temptation striking at our pride, self-image and sense of control.  A lie to be reckoned with though “prayer and petition, with thanksgiving” we trust in Jesus. In prayer we confess God is with us, in petition we let go trusting in divine providence and with thanksgiving we demonstrate our faith that no harm can come to us and rest in God’s peace “that surpasses all understanding”.  It is the human condition to search for understanding where the answer lies that we can take back control of the outcome.  Our control lies in taking the next step of righteousness doing the next right thing while trusting God in the outcome according to his will.

“What should we do?” is asked of John the Baptist. Take the next right step of righteousness guided by the Holy Spirit in prayer, petition, and thanksgiving. Share from the gifts we have received, follow the commandments, and find satisfaction with our state in life economically “wages” we receive working to improve our state with discipline and courage with the opportunities to advance giving of ourselves as servants of the Lord.  This is our Advent to rejoice with expectation for a greater sharing in the life of Christ, in imitation of Christ, and in kindness to all. 

I confess, this week I was reading an article of a megachurch pastor who purchased a Lamborghini for $200,000 for his wife.  My first reaction from the headline was judgmental and concern for the followers. The article reported the pastor was receiving much criticism from social media and as I suspect from those around him. The pastor offered his testimony of not having spent any of the church funds or his salary from the church to purchase the vehicle.  How did he do it since that is substantial money?  He used his gift as a pastor to create resources from outside of the church community.  Others found those resources of value to invest in them.  This is the discipline of dedication to his trade as the Apostle Paul wrote he did not want to burden the community for his personal needs but chose to work at his trade to meet his needs.  Who has not wanted to write a book and improve their state in life while contributing a greater good to this world?  Let us rejoice then together for the prosperity that comes from God to his faithful followers is a gift for God’s glory.

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2nd Sunday of Advent

Bar. 5: 1-9; Ps. 126: 1-6; Phil. 1: 4-6, 8-11; Lk. 3: 1-6

Advent is a celebration of the great things the Lord has done for us and joyful anticipation of the “splendor of glory from God” to come.  How are we to prepare the way for the Lord?  The answer lies in the truth, goodness, beauty of love with the courage to take the first step in trusting God. 

Consider the dance of courtship for a couple.  In the first encounter of attraction the eyes look away in fear of giving away the attraction itself hoping the other has the courage to look at us.  Christ is the other whose eyes of love gaze on us first inviting us to look closer at him who loved us firsts.  In courtship we hope the other will give a sign first that they desire to seek us in fear of being rejected if we dare to seek first their attention.  Christ is the other inviting us to seek him in response to his love.  The “one who began a good work in you (at baptism) will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus” coming.  When do I seek you O’ Lord if only in my trials and sorrows that even then you are ready to respond to my heart? 

In courtship we ponder if the relationship has a future for a lasting commitment and worry it may end in disappointment.  In Jesus “fear not” his love is never ending, the promise of all promises called a covenant for eternal glory is a gift waiting to be opened.  In courtship we desire the greater love that it “may increase ever more and more…pure and blameless.”  Through Jesus Christ come the perfect love and the fruit of righteousness where we grow “in knowledge and every kind of perception to discern what is of value.”  This fruit of righteousness comes from the courage to love first the other.  The foolish turn away from love towards their own misery. 

There was a young woman who left home for college.  She always felt close to her mother but distant from her father.  She desired a greater love from him growing up but feared they would not have that close relationship she longed for.  He was a good father as a provider for the family but he was not very affectionate and not much of a talker.  Most of her emotional needs were provided by her mother but something was missing in her heart, the love of a father. 

Away from home she had time to reflect and God awakened in her knowledge that her father had grown up in a house of all brothers and no girls except for his mother.  Her perception was that maybe he just did not know how to be around females.  She made it a point to change that.  She was going to dare to love first.  The next time she visited for the holiday her dad was sitting on the couch reading the paper.  She went over and sat right next to him, grabbed his arm and asked “what are you reading?”  For a moment he forgot what he was reading surprised by his daughter’s outward expression of affection.  They began to talk first of what was in the newspaper, and then she questioned him on his thoughts and feelings.  She could tell he was uncomfortable and rather rigid but as she persisted he began to relax. 

That vacation she kept loving on him first without fear often by just sitting down next to him and striking a conversation.  By the end of the week he began to seek her attention, her thoughts and feelings.  After she left back to school she would call home and if her dad answered he would go on and on so much she had to ask to speak to her mom.  The days of her calling and him passing the phone to her mother were gone.  Who dares to love first dares to please God.  God will not disappoint. 

The world is filled with souls walking inside their own silos longing for a loving relationship even within their own home.  Suicide rates keep rising, drug use keeps growing, and families continue to separate and divorce feeling abandoned in their misery.  The helplessness of victimhood is the lie of the evil one who desires us to see no purpose in a suffering world.  We can accept the lie and continue to wander in this world or we can reject the lie and begin to believe in the love of God, in the heavenly glory to come with our Blessed Mother and all the angels, saints and our loved ones who have already entered into his kingdom.  We can claim the power of his love for ourselves and dare to love. 

Love prepares the way of the Lord.  Advent is our time to straighten the paths of our relationships.  Those mountains and hills that appear as barriers to God’s love must come down.  The winding road that seems to go in circles repeating the mistakes of the past we can make straight with the power of God’s love.  The rough ways are made smooth with the courage to do the next right thing so God can see our trust in Him.  The first step in trusting God is doing the next right thing so he may reveal himself and we shall see the salvation of the Lord.  The straight and narrow road is the road less traveled.  Dare we be the one to love first? 

This is our time to take off the “robe of mourning and misery” complaining why life is so difficult and our relationships imperfect.  The cloak of justice is to love first.  Trust God for the rest and we will discover the beauty, goodness and truth of his love not only in others but in ourselves.  “The peace of justice” is our name and we bring peace and justice in the Glory of God’s name.  This is the joy that lights our path. 

“You are as young in love as your faith, as old in your doubts as your fear, as young as your self-confidence to trust in God, as old as your despair to fear change, and as young as your hope for the change God desires in your life.”  It is the childlike trust to love always that we offer as our worship. 

“There is a choice you have to make in everything you do.  So keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make makes you.”  (unknown author)  Stay young, embrace love and live in the joy of his presence.  He has his eyes on you. 

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1st Sunday of Advent Year

Jer. 33: 14-16; Ps. 25: 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 14; 1 Thes. 3:12 – 4:2; Lk. 21: 25-28; 34-36

Parousia, meaning the second coming of Christ to earth will happen swiftly bringing upon us a general judgment.  Wait aren’t we preparing for Christmas, the “Nativity pre-feast” of the birth of Jesus, why are we reading in Luke about the second coming of Jesus to start our Advent?  In the Latin Rite the Advent season covers the joyful remembrance of the Lord’s first coming in His Incarnation and anticipation of the second coming at the end of time.  Many disciples expected Jesus’ second coming in their lifetime however Luke sees a longer period in history to come and it is important to “Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life”.  Simply put lets us not get complacent about our faith so concerned with our daily comforts or anxieties we lose sight of the “big picture” our purpose in salvation history. 

St. Paul in Thessalonians has the same concern in prayer for the faithful “to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.  Amen”.    This Parousia covers the period after the birth of Jesus, the destruction of the temple, the period of time between until the full revelation of the kingdom at the second coming marking the end of time.  It is the fullness of time for the New Jerusalem. 

The New Jerusalem is now the city of God not as a land mass but a mass of people of faith in Jesus Christ.  It is marked by Jesus’ death, resurrection and outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The city of God lies at all corners of the world in the temple of the people who receive the body of Christ in the Eucharist.  This city is now given a new name, “The LORD is our justice”.  It is the personal justice of God we are called to live daily proclaiming our faith as witnesses of holiness when we “increase and abound in love for one another and for all”.  For “one another” is for all believers and “for all” is for those of little or no faith.  Holiness makes no exceptions in love. 

Luke reminds us of Jesus teaching to his disciples that during this time between the first coming and second coming “There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars and on earth nations will be in dismay”.  Every generation seems to live a period of persecution in their lifetime.  From the early church persecution after the destruction of the temple throughout history including all the world wars, to 9/11 and the uprising of Isis we see persecution of the faithful.  Yet we are not to confuse these signs as the second coming but remain “vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” 

Our call is to conduct ourselves to please God at all times.  I was at a conference on mental health and substance misuse and the question posed was “why do youth after experiencing an overdose have no fear in returning to the drug use that almost cost them their life?”  In part the answer was that youth are very resilient and experience no immediate long term consequence from the overdose experience.  I find that to be true of overall humanity.  How often do we know misuse of anything including overindulgence in food is not healthy even if there is some immediate consequence like an upset stomach or indigestion not to mention the excess weight gain?  For some the attitude is “we have to die of something, why not enjoy it?”  Then the permanent symptoms start to manifest like diabetes, hypertension, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and we begin to modify our behavior once we face the long-term damage. 

What about our basic values, are we living according to what we say we value?   We value honesty, integrity, responsibility, a strong work ethic among others yet how do we respond if honesty means admitting our fault, integrity means doing the right thing even if it is going to cost us more, responsibility means no excuses, and a strong work ethic means consistently doing our best regardless of the circumstances?  All of a sudden our actions and reaction finds justification for being less than the best God created us to be.  We lose sight of our call to conduct ourselves to please God at all times. 

Let us look at our moral values, the standard between good and evil.  We value fidelity in our relationships, justice vs. cheating in our negotiations, and giving respect to others regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status.  From this comes thou shall not commit adultery, steal, and thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.  Commandments come from the basic human struggle between good and evil and the temptation to serve ourselves before others. 

Let us look at our Christian values, the standard God set with his people.  We value marriage vs. “living together”, we value obedience to God by denial of self, and we value a pattern of conduct after Jesus.  Jesus came into the world that we may have his witness to pattern our lives in his image.  There is a book titled,
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A Kempis.  In it is a section of being “Eternally Minded”.  Being eternally minded is being Christ to the world. 

Thomas Kempis addresses the struggle between “human nature and grace” which “move in opposite directions unless you are spiritual in inwardly perceptive.”  He draws the contrast as human nature “deceives…always has selfish motives…But grace walks in simplicity and turns away from every appearance of evil.”  “Nature strives for its own advantage…Grace considers…what will benefit many people”. “Nature eagerly accepts honor and reverence.  Grace directs all honor and glory to God.”  “Nature fears shame and contempt.  Grace rejoices in humiliation for the name of Jesus.”  “Nature loves leisure and bodily rest.  Grace cannot be idle and gladly embraces hard work.”  This is our calling to follow the road less traveled of moral excellence. 

Scripture says in 2 Peter 1: 5-8 “Make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge, knowledge with self-control, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion, devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love.  If these are yours and increase in abundance, they will keep you from being idle or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  These are the graces in the imitation of Christ he is prepared to offer the soul who seeks to remain eternally minded.  These are the building blocks of a house that withstands the storms of life without fear.  This is the city that claims “The Lord is our justice.” 

In the struggle between good and evil there is a simple standard to follow.  It is “Do the next right thing”.  When in doubt do the next right thing.  When we find ourselves anxious about a major decision affecting the future do the next right thing today.  Trust in God and allow him to work for our greater good by doing the next right thing out of love for Him this moment.  It is easy to be deceived when we act with intent to control the outcome regardless of whether it is a right or wrong action.  That is the voice of the evil one.  Listen to the voice of God who is just and holy to guide our conduct in doing the next right thing that matters to him in our lives.  When we live according to our values we receive the joy we seek in Advent.  It is the joy that God is with us now, in his second coming, and eternally. 

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