
Ascension of the Lord

Where does a nine day Novena come from?  That was the question posed to me one day.  Nine days represent the time of prayer between the Ascension of the Lord and the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples.  In prayer a Novena is a longing for the coming of the Lord, the anticipation and a realization of his return.  The power of the Holy Spirit gives witness to his coming “to the ends of the earth”.  Each baptized faithful is a temple of the Holy Spirit.  The “two men dressed in white garments …said,…’men of Galilee, why are you standing there looking at the sky?  This Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will return in the same way as you have seen him going into heaven.”  (Acts 1:10-11) We are to look not up to the sky for him but look ahead to where he wants us to take him in our love, our actions, our kerygma, proclaiming the kingdom of God. 

“The Father of glory…gave him as head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.” (Eph. 1:17, 22-23) His body given to the church which we receive in the Eucharist is in communion the fullness of all things from Jesus.  His is the authority, power, and dominion above all things and in Him it is now our authority, power, and dominion called to go forth.  This is the witness of disciples transformed into Apostles to go forth and heal the sick, cast out demons, have authority to forgive and be renewed in the sacramental life through his body, blood, soul, and divinity. 

We long to belong.  It is God’s creation, in our DNA to belong.  Where we belong is a choice of daily life.  We choose to belong to a family, to a community, to a house of worship.  When we say “yes” to the invitation to belong to God it comes with a promise and a shared responsibility.  The church says “welcome” and “go forth”.  Welcome to the love of Jesus and go forth to spread God’s love to others. 

Go forth into a world where there is much suffering, a world in need of the proclamation of the Kingdom of God.  Where does suffering go to die?  It dies where we find joy, purpose, and meaning in the calling.  The calling comes from God.  The calling is rooted in living our core values.  Those values are in our Christian heritage, passed on by our practice of faith, our traditions, and our sacramental life.  It is our inheritance to pass on and our responsibility. 

There is a story of an American researcher who went to study the customs of a Japanese education system.  As he sat at the back of the class doing his observation and taking notes, the teacher asked the students to draw a cube.  He went around the class and found one child who had drawn it incorrectly.  He asked, “Hiroshi would you like to come up to the board and draw a cube?”  The boy said “yes” with excitement.  After attempting to draw the cube he asked the class, “Class, did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  They all said “no”.  The researcher felt bad for the child.  The teacher asked Hiroshi, “Would you like to try again to draw a cube?”  He said, “yes” and made a second attempt.  The teacher asked the class, “Did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  The class said “no” all together.  The researcher not only started to feel bad for the child but felt the anxiety and projected feelings of humiliation for the “poor” child.  The teacher asked Hiroshi again, “Would you like to try again to draw a cube?”  The child said, “yes” and again he did it wrong, and again he asked the class and all said “no”.  By now the researcher was feeling the physical pain of this stressful activity wondering “why, put this child through this?”  Once again the child was asked if he wanted to try again and he said “yes”.  This time he drew it correctly.  The teacher asked the class, “Did Hiroshi draw the cube correctly?”  The all said “yes!” and began to clap.  The ones who drew it correctly did not have a lesson to learn but the child who went through the struggle and persevered learned a life lesson beyond how to draw a cube. 

Brother and sisters, the calling is to, “proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching…be possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry.”  (2 Tim 4: 2, 5) Those called before us have finished their race and kept the faith, now it is our turn “for all who have longed for his appearance”. (2 Tim 4: 8) Go forth the Kingdom of God is at hand. 

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Called to Earthy Sanctity

Called to Earthy Sanctity – I believe, I hope, and I trust!  The Lord calls each to holiness according to their state in life.  Earthy sanctity is encountering Christ in the world where the evils of sin abound to be an instrument that points to a greater good, an encounter with the living God, and a call to holiness for the body is clean but not all. 

Some are called to holiness in detachment from the world through a cloister life, monasticism, and clericalism that offers a separation from the world dedicated to prayer, contemplation, and service structured in that order of priority.  This comes through praying the Liturgy of the Hours throughout the day, the celebration of the Mass, daily Adoration time and in works to support self and offer service to others.  Through this calling one can discover a rich interior life climbing the highest spiritual mountains and going deep into the interior darkness to find the light of Christ. 

A deacon in our times is called to an earthy sanctity to battle sins of the world from within and without, to fight the good fight as a wounded warrior and to persevere to finish the race by going forth into the dark places of this world and bring the light of Christ where sin prevails.  From God the earth radiates his glory in the spirit of life for eternity but also the threat of death from sin deceived by the seven capital sins: pride, avarice, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony, and acedia.  Earthy sanctity carries its sin nature in search of purity of heart, mind, and soul with prayer, sacrifice, and charity.  This day I surrender to you O’ God, this moment, and this challenge for your glory especially when the cross seems hard to bear. 

Earthy Sanctity was caring for a dying man in the hospital as a nurse.  His body so swollen with fluid it poured out of his pores dying from liver disease.  It was debriding the gangrene off the foot of a man whose diabetes was not controlled and is trying to save his feet as you smell the stench of dead tissue.  It was being a counselor helping a child victim of abuse by a parent who now is separated from their home into an unknown world of foster care for their protection depressed and feeling abandoned.  It is administering a corporate company with the motto, “Changing hearts, Changing minds, Changing lives!” to prevent, intervene, and treat addiction.  Climbing the corporate ladder is also sanctifying it each step of the way.  It is daily facing the sins of the world as a sinner seeking to make a difference. 

A deacon finds refuge in the sacramental life, in the sanctity of marriage, in raising a family, and in fellowship while serving God in the domestic church, in the universal church, and in the world.  A deacon is to go forth in the economy of the world and the economy of salvation as a bridge that speaks to both in our times building up the kingdom of God.  A deacon finds refuge in communion with God, in our loved ones, and in our mother church who offers us a legion of angels, saints and the most Holy Trinity.  The one sent to us to awaken us in her apparitions is our Blessed Mother Mary and she remains to comfort us.  The purity of her conception and life places the crown on her head to intercede for us when we turn to her and ask, “Pray for us”.  Will her son deny her?  Not then, at the wedding of Cana, not now! 

The sun rises and the earth awakens to challenge God’s sons and daughters to subdue it.  We dare to walk in sanctity as children of the light but not all is clean for our feet remain in need of washing our sins clean.  In earthy sanctity we dare with courage to go forth with the armor of faith, hope and love to make holy ground. 

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