
The Deacon

14th Sunday Ordinary Time

Zech. 9:9-10; Ps. 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; Rom. 8:9, 11-13; Mt. 11:25-30

Jesus says, “Come to me…Take my yoke and learn from me”.  Come, take, learn is the process of discipleship.  All baptized are called to come, take, and learn as his disciples.  First “come” is an invitation, a choice of the free will to come and believe, come and take the “yoke” of the cross and learn how to follow in his steps.  Jesus provides the way for us to come and follow. 

Coming also means leaving behind what is in the “flesh”.  In the flesh is sin, passion for indulgence, and works for self-gratification.  Coming is coming into the Spirit of truth in the Trinity, meaning “God First”.  Passion is not evil, misdirected passion is sin.  Did not Jesus suffer his own passion for love of the Father in carrying the cross and a redemptive passion for love of humanity?  Passion is ordered to the greater good to be the best we were created to be for God.  Passion for indulgence is toxic to the Spirit and creates debt to the flesh until both body and spirit is dead.

“Take my yoke” is the yoke of obedience to the will of God the Father as Jesus did.  It is accepting the authority given to the Church as an instrument of God’s mercy in our world.  It is the yoke of sacrifice for a purpose of greater good that ourselves.  The yoke is not punishment it unites us to his cross as a witness of our love to bear not as an end to itself but as grace for salvation. 

Learn what we are called to be as sons and daughters of Christ.   Learn what God desires for our greater good in serving him by our daily life.  Learn the meaning of life in Christ.  Learn to follow the path of salvation through faith and works as two sides of the same coin.  Unit our works for the purpose of salvation as an offering to God “and you will find rest for yourselves” and the peace of Christ. 

Come, take, and learn what God desires to reveal to each of us in our pilgrimage through this world.  The works of the Lord are holy and we are to become the work of the Lord, holy in all our being, in the flesh and in the spirit be holy. 

The world speaks of global warming, hurricanes, and viruses that can create fear of crisis and even death.  The tribulations of the world are disruptive and a threat to humanity.  They stand as a reminder of our mortality in the world and question our purpose of existence.  Purpose cannot be found in what the world offers that is transitory.  Purpose is God given and until we turn to God we remain lost wandering in the desert of the soul.  Seek first the kingdom of God and pray for the grace to come, take and learn what God is calling of us. 

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